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5. Additives Used in Septic-Mr. Theis suggested that runoff and septic systems are primary <br /> contributors to the Pond's challenges. Mr. Theis noted that, until communities are sewered, additives <br /> can be used. <br /> 6. Water Height of the Pond--Mr. Baker expressed concern about the height of Santuit and the Chair <br /> suggested that Drew McManus be invited to discuss the issue. Mr. Baker discussed the impact of <br /> raising the groundwater near the Pond. Mr. York stated that the dam will receive funding and will be <br /> designed to operate at any given level. The fish ladder will be rebuilt and will function within a range <br /> of pond levels. <br /> MASHPEE BLUE BOOK <br /> Beverly Kane stated that everyone was excited about the funding that has become available to produce <br /> and distribute the Blue Book. Ms. Kane questioned the timeline for the availability of funds in order to <br /> establish a target date for completion. Chairman Cahalane responded that it would be a fast process. <br /> Ms. Kane noted that the Town Manager signed an agreement in May 2009 that highlights the <br /> requirements that must be met prior to producing the book Among the requirements, permission must <br /> be granted by the book's originator, James Hobe, in Puget Sound. A draft of Mashpee's version along <br /> with a distribution plan must be forwarded to Mr. Hobe. Regarding the draft, only one chapter remains <br /> and the student's artwork is being incorporated. Ms. Kane recommended that the book be distributed <br /> during the summer when Mashpee's part year residents would be in town. Regarding postage, Ms. <br /> Kane described Orleans' arrangement in 2008 whereby volunteers prepared the mailings, addressed to <br /> "Postal Patron" and packaged for postal routes and utilized a non-profit mailing rate of.10 each. The <br /> Chair was unsure if a similar system would be available now that bar codes are being used. The <br /> Postmaster must be contacted to discuss the issue further. Ms. Kane was hopeful that the .10 cost <br /> would be available otherwise use of the Tow's pre-sort would cost $1.30 per book. Committee <br /> members discussed using the Town's address as a return address. It was confirmed that the funding <br /> amount will be $30,000. The Chair reported that the Town Manager would be willing to acquire <br /> printing estimates from the Town printer. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> The Chair shared correspondence from Bill Marterios, 49 Cranberry Ave, who has expressed concerns <br /> about Johns Pond and the possibility of the pond's decline. Among Mr. Montero's concerns, he <br /> highlighted direct runoff from the boat ramps and an open trench near Otis/drainage easement. Mr. <br /> Montero wishes the Town to be aware of the issues in order to make adjustments. <br /> Chairman Cahalane questioned whether the EOC is needed to stay on top of fresh water issues due to <br /> the current focus on estuaries. Mr. Theis noted that the ponds are recreational sources for the Town <br /> and serve as open access for the estuaries. Mr. Baker stated that there is no focal point for surface <br /> waters and noted the Waterways Commission handles navigation, Water Quality is not a key player, <br /> Sewer Commission is not addressing phosphorus, Shellfish can not take full responsibility for the <br /> water and Conservation Commission is associated with enforcement. Mr. Baker feels that there is no <br /> central agency to address the surface water issue, and believes the EOC could not be the agency <br /> without offending the other groups. Mr. York added that Lake Management, Board of Health and the <br /> Pals Program address water issues and that the EOC is an oversight committee. Mr. York added that <br /> the system is working, but that there is a lot of work. Mr. York noted that a response to Mr. Montero <br /> can include information about the bacteria testing conducted by the Board of Health and additional <br /> water testing from the Pals Program, as well as efforts regarding the phosphorus bylaw. Mr. York <br /> confirmed that Johns Pond and Mashpee/Wakeby Lake are currently in good shape. Mr. York and Mr. <br /> Baker will gather needed information to forward to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> 2 <br />