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Town of Mashpee <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> August 14,2008 <br /> Present: Chair-Don Myers, Beverly Kane,Ted Theis,Rick York, Ed Baker, Ralph Marcelli <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Don Myers, Chairman. <br /> APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: <br /> Motion made by Mr. Marcelli to approve the minutes of July 10,2008. Motion seconded by Mr. <br /> Theis. All voted unanimously. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> No new business at this time. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Ralph Marcelli-Education <br /> Mr. Marcelli announced that the DEP zone delineation has been approved. <br /> Additionally,Mr. Marcelli shared with the Commission that he was in receipt of a letter dated July 18 <br /> from Earth Tech regarding the condition of the waste water treatment plant. The letter indicates that <br /> the condition has progressed to a safety issue, with the steel holding the grading being compromised as <br /> well as corrosion of the tanks. A quote of$52,000 was provided for prepping and painting only, and <br /> does not include repairs to the facility. Earth Tech states that the plant won't last another 5 years and <br /> recommended immediate plans to repair it. Mr. Marcelli is asking Earth Tech for more information <br /> regarding the warranty,the original cost of the facility and who was responsible for maintenance of the <br /> facility and hopes to have the details available prior to the next Environmental Oversight meeting. <br /> The Committee felt that the facility was fairly new, built when the high school was constructed, and <br /> should not be encountering such problems. The plant should last indefinitely with preventative <br /> maintenance,unless a maintenance schedule was not provided. Earth Tech should have provided <br /> annual reports regarding the state of the facility. Mr. Theis advised that the School Board attorney <br /> should review the contract with Earth Tech. The Committee agreed that no additional work should be <br /> pursued until all questions are answered <br /> Ed Baker-Review of Action Items <br /> 2. Mas Tee River Restoration <br /> Mr. Baker has attended a Waterways Commission meeting but there had been no discussion on the <br /> issue. Mr. Baker feels that encouragement from the Board of Selectmen would be helpful and <br /> Chairman Meyers agreed to check in to it further. <br />