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MASHPEE SCH 00 L COMMIT TTEE—REGUL MEETfNG—N OVEMBE , 2003 PAGE <br /> Motion n made by Mrs. Cool, seconded by Mrs. Reis, to accept Sean <br /> 1 c illicudd 's Eagle Project pending his discussion with Mr. Tripp <br /> regarding logistics. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> 10.2 FILA Trig—On behalf of the Future Business Leaders of America, <br /> Mrs. Carol Miley requested permission to travel to New York City for the <br /> period April l through April 3, 2004. The tour would include a Marketing <br /> Tour of NYC, backstage tour of Madison Square Garden, a "behind the <br /> scenes"' tour of Macy's, the Mercantile Exchange, a visit to an inner-city <br /> high school, and a Broadway shove. F BEA officers Halley Hammond and <br /> Christina Fellini accompanied Mrs. Riley to the Committee meeting. <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Reis, to approve the FBL <br /> trip scheduled for April 1- , 2004. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> 10.3 Washington, I . C. Trip — Mr. Steve Babbitt addressed the <br /> Committee regarding Washington, D. C. trip scheduled from March 21-25, <br /> 2004. He explained the stringent guidelines and rules that students must <br /> adhere to if they are interested in going on th is educational trip. <br /> Motion rade by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Mills, to approve the <br /> Washington,D. C. trip slated from March 2.1-2 , 2004. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> V. Acknowledgments 5.1 -Mail from Tina M. Savoie—Included in the packet was an e-mail <br /> from Ms. Savoie who commended the Receptionist in the Superintendent's <br /> office for leer assistance in the application process. <br /> .2 Correspondence from Nass. Association of Science Teachers dated <br /> October 4, 2003 — A letter was received from Mr. William Hardin of the <br /> above Association stating that Bob Bailey had been chosen as the <br /> Massachusetts Science Education of the Year for Barnstable County for <br /> 2003. <br /> 5.3 Football Award/All Stars — Athletic Director Michael Lorne <br /> informed Mrs. Parols i that the Cape Cod Board of Football Officials voted <br /> l lashp e High School as its 2003 Sportsmanship Award winner. The <br /> commended football Coach Femino and the football team for displaying <br /> sportsmanship dualities and acting life gentlemen on and off the field. <br /> Also, Mr. Horne noted the 2003 South Shore League Fall All Stars as <br /> follows: <br /> Soccer: Mike Flick, Ryan Lovely, Danielle Thomas, Rhiannon Mc uish, <br /> Tarah Schmidt,Ashley Martin <br />