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. d <br /> April 7, 2011 <br /> Dear Seniors, <br /> On behalf of my administration, it is my great pleasure to welcome the distinguished participants of the Credit for <br /> Life Fair. As State Treasurer, Iconsider the financial education of Massachusetts residents of utmost importance, <br /> and I am appreciative of The Cape-Cod Five Cents Savings Bank and the many volunteers from Dennis and <br /> Yarmouth for their commitment to this common goal. The Credit for Life Fair is a valuable contributor in making <br /> financial education accessible to high school students in the Commonwealth, and I thank your dedicated teachers <br /> for devoting their time towards preparing you to participate in this innovative activity. <br /> As participants in The Credit for Life Fair, you have the unique opportunity to learn how to achieve financial <br /> independence. The fair is an interactive simulation aimed at presenting difficult financial decisions that you will <br /> soon face as a young adult.I encourage you to make the most of such an effective educational tool and to empower <br /> yourselves with critical financial knowledge. <br /> My administration and I fully support initiatives that provide young adults with the proper leaming tools to become <br /> fiscally responsible. Currently, the Treasury's Financial Education Department administers a number of programs <br /> that are dedicated to teaching individuals to take responsibility for their money management. One program in <br /> particular —the Caution with Credit program — promotes helping young citizens to build healthy credit lifestyles <br /> and protecting them from acquiring unnecessary consumer debt. Please visit to learn <br /> more. <br /> I believe that as young adults, time is on your side to achieve financial independence and today's Credit for Life <br /> Fair experience will teach you how to take responsibility for your financial future. My best wishes to you for a <br /> productive fair and an unforgettable senior year. <br /> Sincerely, o <br /> Steven Grossman <br /> Treasurer and Receiver General <br /> No= 617.3 67.6900 • Office:State7fo=e, Room 227, Bostory 9V 4 02133 • WWe6: <br /> 0 Pavan <br />