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Cape=Financiai <br /> Cod l?ducation <br /> DRAFT COPY <br /> of the health insurance provided by the student's employer or how much a private <br /> insurance plan would cost. They also help students establish a grocery budget and <br /> dining out budget. This booth can be used to teach students about smart shopping <br /> ideas, like coupon use and discretionary spending. <br /> Clothing:Assists students in choosing a professional and casual wardrobe on a <br /> budget. Typically ran by a clothing salesperson,the booth captain and volunteers <br /> will show students what type of clothing they would need for their occupation and <br /> help them choose what clothes to purchase that fit in their budget. <br /> Education: Register for college or graduate school and apply for student loans. <br /> Volunteers explain to students how much they will need in student loans and what <br /> major they would need to enroll in. This booth is typically run by a guidance <br /> counselor or financial aid officer from a local university or college. <br /> Transportation: Present transportation options for the students ranging from costs <br /> of public transportation to selling them a new or used car. Typically captained by a <br /> car dealer,volunteers explain to students the costs of owning and leasing a car as <br /> well as the costs of public transportation. They will help the students determine <br /> what mode of transportation is wise based on their proximity to their job and the <br /> amount of available funds they have. Volunteers will also help students calculate <br /> additional expenses like maintenance,gas,and insurance. <br /> L UXURY(TYPICALLY DONE IN ONE BOOTH <br /> Cell Phone:Assesses the student's need for a cell phone and what type of phone is <br /> recommended. For students without a landline in their home, a cell phone will be a <br /> necessity. Booth volunteers will go over phone plans and help the student decide <br /> whether they need a smartphone or a pay as you go basic phone. <br /> Cosmetics/Haircuts:This component helps students understand the costs of <br /> cosmetics and hair styling. Volunteers will help students assess how often they <br /> need to get their haircut and how often they will need to purchase new cosmetics. <br /> Electronics: Students will choose what kind of TV and computer they want,as well <br /> as other electronics like video games, sound systems, etc. While many of these items <br /> are luxuries, a TV and computer are very common items. <br /> Vacations/Entertainment: Students will assess what costs are associated with their <br /> social lives,such as vacationing and nightlife. <br /> OTHER <br /> Credit For Life Development Toolkit Page 29 <br />