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AS EE FINANCE COMMITTEE MIN'UT'ES <br /> JANUARY 91, 1996 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7 :OOPM <br /> Finance Committee members present: Marcia King, hairman# Sid <br /> Golub: Dan Goggin and Alec Watt. Tony Gallo and Juan Bacigalupi <br /> were unable to attend <br /> Please note for the record that the taping of this meeting is for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only, once the Minutes are <br /> approved, the tapes will be reused. <br /> Diane Rommelmeyer,, Town Accountant and David Bailey, Assessor were <br /> unable to attend the meeting as scheduled. Ms. King would invite <br /> then to the next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, January <br /> 23rd. <br /> Mice Pietrowski was also invited to attend the Meeting, but <br /> ca celled due to weather. <br /> Ms. King also mentioned that she contacted Mike Kumin and informed <br /> him that the Board of Selectmen would be voting his appointment at <br /> their meting on Tuesday, January 16th, Mr. Golub mentioned that he <br /> would be unable to attend that meeting. <br /> Capital Improvement Com ittee <br /> Mr.. Golub informed the Committee about the happenings of the <br /> Capital Improvement Comrâ–ºitte meeting whish was held that <br /> afternoon. There was a motion on the floor of that meeting <br /> pertaining to a request. for $15,000 to be used to hook tip to water <br /> at the Senior Center, The request is broken down into throe part8. <br /> $7,000 will be used to hook the sprinkler up. The CIP would like <br /> to either have the money transferred from the Reserve Fund or put <br /> it in the budget. The CIP Committee voted -1, Sid Golub <br /> abstaining. Jim Vaccaro opposed. According to Mr. Golub, The <br /> Committee felt it was a high priority. Mr. Vaccaro agreed that it <br /> was a priority, but it was not an emergency, Mr. Goggin asked why <br /> it had not been requested in their budget? Mr. Golub answered that <br /> had. Mr. Long, Director, realized water would be available he would <br /> have put it in his budget. Mr. Golub mentioned that if it does get <br /> approved at Town Meeting, it will come out of the CIP budget.. <br /> Mr. Golub informed the CIP members that he did not expect the <br /> Finance Committee would approve a transfer from the 'Rese ve Fund. <br /> Mr. Golub felt that the Capital Account would be a good account to <br /> investigate for this purpose. <br /> Schools <br /> Ms. King mentioned that she had spoken with D . DeMoura, He i <br /> asking for a $2. 2 million dollar increase. Ms. King is hoping to <br /> i <br />