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Page <br /> Conservation Agent. The letter is in regard to money transfers <br /> relative to the cranberry monies. Ms, King mentioned that she <br /> would talk to the Executive secretary regarding this issue. Mr. <br /> Goggin felt that these articles should he presented at Town Meeting <br /> separately, There was a memo from the Town Clerk to the Finance <br /> Committee informing them that the 1995 population of the Town was <br /> 10 ,675. <br /> There were copies of letters from Claire Lecy and Eugene courier to <br /> the Executive Secretary regarding the Board of Health Transfer <br /> Request from the Deserve Fund, Mr. Whritenour responded and told <br /> Ms. Lecy and Mr. Courier that he was working on securing funding,. <br /> There was also a memo from Mr. W ritenour regarding the F 97 Budget <br /> Review Meeting revised schedule for February 5th through February <br /> 8th, <br /> Dan Goggin Motioned to adjourn this regular session meeting and <br /> move into Executive Session and not return to regular session. The <br /> Committee would be discussing the Personnel Administration Plan, <br /> Alec Watt seconded the Motion- . Ms. King yes. Mr. Golub yes. Mr. <br /> Goggin yes. Mr. Watt yes. Mr. Kuin yes. <br /> The next scheduled meeting is on Tuesday, February 1 ,, 1996 at <br /> :OO M. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jean M. Mooney,, Board <br /> Secretary. <br />