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02/13/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
02/13/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page 2 <br /> homeowners rade a choice not to hook up. Mr. Doherty mentioned <br /> that the Guard Bureau is negotiating to reimburse all 70 homes in <br /> that area. Mr. Bacigalupi noted that the Water District would be <br /> given the money to reimburse to these homeowners or lower- the <br /> betterments. It was Mr, Mcuaid's opinion that the 'down had <br /> forgotten about theTri-Town/Horseshoe Bend areae. When asked <br /> about the Briarwood areaf Mr. Doherty explained that the three <br /> homeowners were given the means and they chose to spend it <br /> elsewhere. Ms. King explained that she had contacted Ed Baker and <br /> Deirdre Gr elfish at the Water District and the fees from the Water <br /> District had been waived. The cost is substantially lower to hook <br /> up than any other homeowner had paid, Ms, King felt that this was <br /> private bill and the Town should not be ,involved in paying it, <br /> Claire Lecy asked why the homeowners were reimbursed in the <br /> Briarwood area and not the homeowners in her area? Ms., King <br /> answered that they were not reimbursed by the Town. Mr. Iellagala <br /> informed the Committee that he is a homeowner who has already <br /> hooked up, but in 1986 the Board of Health informed hire not to <br /> drink the mater. The wells may be coming up clear in the tests, <br /> but are still unsafe. <br /> Mr, Golub asked if any of the homeowners have been approached about <br /> a betterment it. Doherty explained that the Health Board is not <br /> empowered to do that. He explained that the Health Board just <br /> wants to hook up these people as soon as possible. Mr. Doherty, <br /> however, did mention that he could not guarantee that these wells <br /> would ever become contaminated or that these homeowners would be <br /> reimbursed by the Government. <br /> Ms, Lecy mentioned that she had been angered by Ms, King's comment <br /> in the newspaper that this was a private bill, Ms. King said that <br /> she felt it was a private bi 11 and that she had been angered. by the <br /> letter sent by the Board of Health back in October. Bob Graham <br /> said that the letter had been seat by the Board of Health and it <br /> stated that the " ntentu was to hook these homeowners up. Mr. <br /> acigalupi stated that he would approve a betterment and if Taoney <br /> is reimbursed from the Government, thea it could offset the <br /> betterment. Mr. Bacigalupi agreed that it should be the <br /> homeowner's responsibility. Hooking up to water is bettering the <br /> property. Mr, Golub mentioned that Claire Lecy had been led to <br /> believe that she would have something for nothing, He went on to <br /> explain that the Plume is a living growing thing and would the 'down <br /> be responsible to pay for any future hones that the Plume affects? <br /> Mr. Doherty answered that these seven homes caught thea off guard. <br /> Mr. Kumin asked if it would be better for the Board of Health t <br /> test these wells instead of the- base Mr. McQuaid responded that <br /> the 'down of Barnstable goes the testing, Ms. King concluded the <br /> discussion by stating that the issue has gone to a Town Meeting <br /> article to be voted on by the taxpayers. <br />
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