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ti <br /> MAS P E FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES i <br /> E E BRAR ' 20, 1996 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT PM <br /> Finance Committee members present; Marcia King, Chairman; Sid <br /> Golub; Dari Goggin; Alec Watt and Mike Kumin. 'bony Gallo and Juan <br /> 8acigalupi were unable to attend. The meeting was held at the <br /> Mashpee Eire Station* <br /> Please rote for the record that the taping of this meeting is for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only. once the Minutes are <br /> approved, the tapes will be reused. <br /> finites <br /> The Minutes of January 16th, February 6th and February 13th will be <br /> voted on at the next meeting. <br /> Request for Transfer (council on Aging <br /> Jim long, Director, and Betty Jones were at the meeting on behalf <br /> of the Council on Aging. The Department was asking that $14 ,383 be <br /> transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Council on Aging Capita. <br /> Account for the purpose of hooking up sprinklers at the Senior <br /> Center* Mr. Long explained that he had no idea when water was <br /> going to be available when he had prepared his FY96 budget. Water <br /> was available in September. The request is also .before the Capital <br /> Improvement Committee,, but Mr. Long felt that he should also <br /> request that it be taken from the Reserve Fund, If both fail.,, h <br /> will request it at 'Iowa Meeting, Mr. Watt mentioned that he felt <br /> it to be an excessive amount. Mr. Long agreed. Mr. Goggin asked <br /> if Mr. Long felt the CIP would approve this? Mr. Long answered <br /> that he did, feel the CIP would recommend this. Mr. Golub suggested <br /> that the only problem with this coming before CIP is that they have <br /> so many requests. Ms. King felt that the Vinance Committee would <br /> be setting a bad precedent if they approved this. other <br /> departments may feel that if they fail with the CIP thea they <br /> -should look to the Finance Committee for a Reserve Fund request, <br /> Mr. Goggin asked if thb Senior Center had smoke detectors. The <br /> answer was that building does. <br /> Mr. 'Golub asked to hear the opinion of Chiu Baker.. Chief Baker <br /> stated <br /> ay} e - <br /> stated 'the sooner the better' .. Mr. Kumin asked the sioni icanoe <br /> of waiting until the May Town Meeting o r approving this now, if the <br /> money is coming from the same pot. Ms. King answered that the <br /> Finance committee does not want departments to feel that they could' <br /> use the Rese ve Fund to bypass the CIP. Mr.. Ku inot'ibne l t <br /> approve this transfer request, Ms, King seconded the Motion. Mr. <br /> Katt indicated that he would' aprve this at Town Meeting, but he <br /> did not feel that these were unforeseen expenses, The Committee <br /> voted two approved, three opposed. Mr, Watt, Mr, Goggin and Mr. <br /> Golub opposed this transfer request. <br />