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Page <br /> bud e t. <br /> Mr, Goggin informed the audience that the Finance Committee's first <br /> priority is to the children of Mashpee# The F i ance Committee, he <br /> explained, always begin with the School Budget. The one problem <br /> facing the Town is the opening of the high school. Mr. -Goggin <br /> again. asked that the start up costs be defined and put out on the <br /> table for revri w. Mr, Bacigalupi thought that a possible -one time <br /> cost would be the difference in utilities of $-250- per student i <br /> the first years and $100 per student when the school is full. <br /> Mr, Goltab asked about Reorganization and the 'extra costs involved? <br /> led <br /> D . DeMoura answered that the extra costs are for the cost of the <br /> principals only. <br /> The two groups opened the meeting to questions from the audience. <br /> Diane Mulvey, parent, felt that it was a very good idea to separate <br /> the budgets by schools, one question asked was where Medicaid <br /> Reimbursement money goes? This money when reimbursed goes to the <br /> General Fund. I icki Mills, school council, asked why Mashpe only <br /> receive 0% reimbursement from the State when other Towns receive <br /> %. Ms. Lynch responded that only 1 of the school's budget <br /> comes from the State. Ms. King mentioned that Selectman Caf fyn <br /> supports and is part of a group entitled R,A.G.F. , which has been <br /> created for this exact purpose* <br /> Dr, Elizabeth Petti, school council , asked the Finance Committee to <br /> state their role. She- explained that there are many townspeople <br /> that ate very frightened by the. Finance Committee and are. confused.. <br /> She thea mentioned that she did not care how high her taxes went, <br /> as long as there were sufficient number of policemen, monies for <br /> the school , etc. Peg Harscht Taxpayer's Association, was also <br /> present and stated that her Association is. committed to keeping the <br /> tax rate down. she mentioned that the Finance Committee has to be <br /> reasonable and practical . According to Ms. Harsco., % Qf the <br /> Town's tax dollars came from New Seabury, she suggested Outting <br /> back on the School Administrators' salaries. <br /> Mr, Golub .responded to Ms. Petti. He stated that the Finance <br /> committee's role is to be on t o front line of budget issues. <br /> Certain mohpy is available to be spent. Inflation is considered. <br /> The Finance Committee presents facts and gives their <br /> recommendatins to the taxpayers, He explained that there other <br /> role is long range plans. These come from growth and taxes and <br /> what hampers growth is the taxes. The Finance Committee .needs to <br /> recommend a budget on Towh Meeting Floor that funds all: departments <br /> in Town, so that they work in the best interest of all residents of <br /> the Town. <br /> Carole. Dunivan, school council, asked the Finance Committee's <br /> recommendation for the schools Ms. King answered that the Long <br /> Range Plan. contains the figure $7,5 mi l l ion, but they have not <br />