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Page 2 <br /> that the School CommittOe has discussed three program r du tion . <br /> The first program reduction would eliminate transportation for <br /> students above grade 6 a d living less than two miles from the <br /> school, The second program reduction would eliminate all extra- <br /> curricular positions and programs, such as elementary libraries, <br /> athletics. etc. The third program reduction would eliminate <br /> kindergarten assistants, Ms, Lynch -explained that if needed, a► <br /> program reduction would be chosen and after paying unemployment <br /> benefits, the school would probably only -save -$22 ,,000. Mr. Golub <br /> thea asked if the School Committee discussed a contingency plan, <br /> should the high school not open on time? Ms, Lynch answered that <br /> this would be discussed at their next meeting in larch. Dr. <br /> Del oura stated that according to the contract rs the school .is <br /> still on schedule. He felt it was up to the School Building <br /> Committee to inform the School Committee if they felt it would not <br /> be ready. <br /> l . King asked if the School Committee was aware that the Executive <br /> secretary has given his recommendation of $8.2 million for the <br /> School Department? Ms, Lynch explained that the School Committee <br /> has out the budget from $8 ,9 million to $8,.5 million ani are <br /> looking for some feedback before making their final vote, Mr, <br /> Paxton stated that he did not want to short change the Special <br /> Needs Account. K through grade 12 comes from their budget, Where <br /> was a suggestion that the School. Committee separate their budget by <br /> separating Special Education from the budget. Ms. Lynch said that <br /> if Special. Education is underfunded they usually w* 11 take :the <br /> monies from supplies rattier than other areas. Mr. Kumin asked the <br /> cost per special education student. Dr. DeMoura answered that on <br /> aveirage a full time equivalence, costs $.7,,000 per student. MSO <br /> Lynch answered that some pupils cost well over $7,0000 Dr, Deloura <br /> explained that the biggest problem is that you don't know xatly. <br /> how many .anew special education students there will be until school <br /> begins, <br /> Dr-. Del oura asked about the Stabilization Account and the Free Cash <br /> Account. Mr, Golub answered that the Stabilization Account is used <br /> for many things. It i <br />