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3/18/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
3/18/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page <br /> that they review these cuts. Dr. DeIoura mentioned that when <br /> ratting is necessary they try to look at ways to out that are <br /> furthest from the classroom, Ms, Janice Mills stated that she did <br /> not believe taking transportation away from students i rt this day <br /> and age was a good idea, - Ms., Lynch stated that most of the <br /> students that would be walking would be walking on Old Barnstable <br /> toad:. She also mentioned that the School Committee did not feel <br /> that cutting athletics would be wise. Mr. Golub .also questioned <br /> ifg1l time kindergarten. Ms. King responded that this is the third <br /> year of the program and l ashpee is be ing reimb.urged. Mr. Golub was <br /> concerned that full time kindergarten may be attracting younger <br /> families. Dr. DeMoura felt that by having ful-1 time kindergarten <br /> it was benefitting the .students and also cutting down on <br /> transportation costs. Ms, Caf fyn suggested that many towns charge <br /> tuition for full time kinderg erten. <br /> Selectman Caffyn was also concerned that the high school would not <br /> open up on time, She asked if this same amount of money would be <br /> necessary if the school did not open until January lst. She asked <br /> if theme was a contingency plan? Selectman Vaccaro felt strongly <br /> that the school would open. as planned in September, unless <br /> something drastic happened. If there was a delay, he explained it <br /> would only be a couple of weeks. He also mentioned that the Town <br /> could then go after the builder if there was a delay. <br /> Again lair. Golub stated that his major concern was that if the Town <br /> used their savings account to open up this high school fo <br /> operational expenditures, the money would not be available again <br /> the following year, He asked if this money was not available, <br /> which Town departments would the 'School Committee suggest the money <br /> be taken from? r. Golub felt that it was a► real problem. <br /> DPW <br /> Selectman Vaccaro mentioned a di crepancy with the DPW budget. Ms. <br /> King answered that the Finance Committee voted to reduce the Salary <br /> line item by $1,802 and. the Expense line item by $5,000. Selectm► n <br /> Vaccaro asked, that Mr. Greg Taylor 1e invited to their next <br /> meeting. <br /> Board of Health <br /> Ms. King explained that the difference in the two budget <br /> recommendations were the human service articles. <br /> Temporary Borrowing <br /> Ms. King explained that the Finance Committee was concerned with <br /> temporary borrowing containing the Town Dail renovations, The <br /> Finance Committee feels that it should be part of the. CIP, Ms a <br /> King asked that the CIP be reduced by this amount because this <br /> amount should have been part .of it. Mr.. Golub also mentioned that <br />
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