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3/18/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
3/18/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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f <br /> Page 2 <br /> requesting and let them present their case on 'down _Meeting floor.+is w King explained that the Finance Committee- has not discussed th <br /> "ire Department's budget, but asked if the selectmen were <br /> recommending level servicing? Mr. Whritenour answered yes. Ms. <br /> King told of the Finance Committee's concerns with the request by <br /> the Police Department for the three police officers who. the To n <br /> would bb responsible to fund fully after three years, She <br /> explained that the concern was, that this would also be right <br /> around the time the Town would start paying for the high school. <br /> Mr, Vaccaro asked if the Finance committee had a problem with the <br /> full time dispatcher Ms. King felt that they did not. <br /> The next item discussed was maintenance and grounds. Mr, Colub <br /> asked if the xecutive secretary had the information that the <br /> Finance Committee had requested. Mr. Whritnour said that he would <br /> provide it. selectmen Costa arrived at : 1F . <br /> School Committee <br /> 'here were also members of the school Committee in attendance and <br /> ]oined the two groups. Chairman -Janice Mills explained that they <br /> had not posted the meeting, but were there as invited guests for <br /> informational purposes. As well as Janice Mills, also .present were <br /> Steve Paxton, Kathy Lynch, nave Consalvi and Ferry Conk. Dr, <br /> Lincoln DeMoura and High School Principal. John Williams were also <br /> available. Chairman Mills informed the two boards that the School <br /> Committee had met last week and voted $8,5 million for the sch l <br /> budget, by a vote of -1. she explained that it was the position <br /> of the school Committee that the high school open its doorstaith' <br /> skimping. She' also explained that they are not positive that $8,5 <br /> million is the correct amount, but it is their west estimate. Dr. <br /> De dura explained that lashpee- is doubling the size of the school <br /> facilities. He felt that the amount. of money. is being borne by one <br /> grade, the ninth erode. He suggested that everyone step back and <br /> examine what a high school brings to the community. <br /> Mr, Williams addressed the issue of having an assistant principal . <br /> He felt that it was essential and that it would be very difficult <br /> to. open the building properly Without one. Mr. Coggin asked who <br /> would have control .over the seventh and eighth graders next year? <br /> Mr. Williams answered that he and an assistant principal would <br /> oversee the seventh, eighth and ninth graders. The Assistant <br /> Principal would -also be the Athletic Director. fir. Golub asked who <br /> was responsible before Pyr.. Williams. Mr. Will.ias answered that it <br /> was his belief that it was Mr. Tippo. Ms. Ca fyn mentioned that <br /> the school budget spent last year was $6.1 million and that it <br /> would be costing $1,8 million for loo students alone, Ms. Lynch <br /> responded that when the school Committee talks about the number o <br /> students, they are talking about the growth in K-8th. <br /> Mr. Golub mentioned tho joint beefing with the school Committee <br /> and their list of cuts if not given the $8,5 million. He asked. <br />
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