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Page 2 <br /> presenting the Department of Public Works <br /> Correspondence <br /> V <br /> There was a memo from Jim Vaccaro, Chairman, regarding the F 97 <br /> budget.. The letter dontained certain budget reductions for certain <br /> departments. M `. Vaccaro states in his letter that these <br /> L- <br /> reductions will not effect the services currently provided by these <br /> departments. Ms. King also mentioned that the Selectmen have <br /> eked that the Finance Committee revisit the Joyce Mason issue and <br /> the Chamber of Commerce issue. They group discussed the proposed <br /> budget reductions.. The first issue was Legal and Engineering. Mr. <br /> Golub Motioned to leave their recommendation at $126,500 for the <br /> Legal and Engineering Account, Mr, Bacigalupi seconded the Motion <br /> and, members voted unanimously -0. The Committee agreed t <br /> decrease In-State travel, as suggested. Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned to <br /> decrease the Selectmen's Expense Account by $550, Mr, Golub <br /> seconded the Motion and members approved -0. Mr. Kumin Motioned <br /> to add back the $4,,000 to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Golub <br /> seconded the Motion. Mr. Bacigalupi ar ended the Motion- by adding <br /> back $2 ,000 to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Kumin seconded the <br /> amendment. Mr. Watt was opposed to spending anything this <br /> particular year. Ms. King agreed. The Grote was 3 approving, Mr, <br /> 'Watt and 14s. King opposing. <br /> Mr.. Bacigalupi Motioned to decrease the Finance Committee's Expense <br /> Account by $200 as suggested by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Kumin <br /> seconded the Motion to reduce the Account to $1,000* Members <br /> approved 6-0, Ms. King explained that the Finance Committee is a,t <br /> a $4,000 difference with the Town Hall Maintenance Account. She <br /> asked if they wotild like to meet the Selectmen half way,, They are <br /> recommending $130,000., 'there was no motion heard, Ms. Kiang asked <br /> the Committee if they would like to put back $5,591 for Joyce Mason <br /> into Salaries Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned to put back $5,,591 into <br /> Salaries. Mr. Golub seconded the Motion. Ms. King mentioned that <br /> she had a letter from Town Counsel stating that it should be <br /> recommended, The Finance Committee approved -0 increasing the <br /> Salary line item t $123 , 336. <br /> Juan. Bacigalupi Motioned ed to decrease the Town Museum budget from <br /> $12,350 to $5,350 as requested. Mr. Kumin seconded the Motion and <br /> members approved -0. The Finance Committee were all in agreement <br /> to reduce the Cultural Council and Sewer Commissioft a8 recommended <br /> by the Selectmen, Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned to do so. - Mr. Kumin <br /> seconded and members s app o red 6-0. Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned to <br /> reduco Unemployment from $25,,000 to $5,000- as recommended by the <br /> Selectmen. Mr. Kumin seconded and members voted 6-0. The <br /> Committee agreed to leave in the Assistant Building Inspector. The <br /> Committee was okay with Articles 23 and 24 relating to Medical <br /> Insurance. <br />