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r <br /> Page <br /> answered no, but that he would provide one. <br /> Mr. Golub mentioned that the Finance Committee is interested with <br /> utilizing the revenues listed here or to be accounted for to impact <br /> the tax rate. The Committee would like to apply $1 million dollars <br /> o the tax rate. Mr. Whritenour agreed that he would also like to <br /> get the tax rate at a manageable level . Mr. Whritenour was <br /> concerned that these revenues listed here may prove to be one time <br /> revenues and not to be expectedn the future. his recommendation <br /> was that use of Mate Aid was probably the best gamble. Mr. Golub <br /> asked the Committee what they felt the Town's goal should be in <br /> regard to the Stabilization fund, 5W or 10Mr, Goggin felt that <br /> the Committee needs to look at the whole package for the next five <br /> to ten years and try to project where the short falls are going t <br /> be, Mr. Golub asked if the Account should be used as a buffer <br /> account? Mr. Goggin replied that the Long Range Plan needs to b <br /> updated and then the Committee can review. Mr. Ba igalupi felt <br /> that the Conmittee should have a goal . <br /> Capita, Imp ov%-.- Committee <br /> Mr. Goggin ent oned to Mr. Whritenour that the Committee is <br /> interested in making changes to the CIP. Be mentioned that he is <br /> in favor of planning for the infrastructure. Mr. Golub asked that <br /> the Executive Secretary encourage Greg Taylor, DPW Director, to <br /> meet with the Finance Committee so that they can discuss his Long <br /> Range needs . Mr. Whritenour agreed to speak with Mr. Taylor, but <br /> asked that the Finance Committee utilize him as a resource to <br /> enhance communication with departments. Mr. Bacigalupi stated that <br /> Mr. Taylor feels the Finance Committee should not be micromanaging <br /> his department. Mr.. Golub asked if Mr. Whritenour would like to <br /> manage for Mr. Taylor? Mr. Whritenour answered that he would like <br /> to learn more regarding the issue of fuel purchases for the Town. <br /> Mr, Whritenour asked that the Finance Committee continue to assist <br /> and analyze how fuel is purchased and offer their recommendations , <br /> Mr. Golub suggested that Mr. Whritenour and Mr. Watt meet with Greg <br /> 'parlor~ regarding fuel purchases . Mr. Goggin asked the Executive <br /> Secretary to write a memorandum in regard to this issue and invite <br /> Mr. Watt to meet with him. <br /> Mr. Golub stated that the Finance Committee would wore on a goal <br /> for Stabilization. Mr. Whritenour stated that he would Like t <br /> keep $200, 000 in Free Cash. Ne cautioned against placing one large <br /> amount into the operational. Budget . Mr. Golub asked if there was <br /> a plan for these funds? Mr. Whritenour dial not feel that they <br /> should be f final i ing, but of fered a suggestion of possibly reducing <br /> the tax levy by $250 1 000 from Mate Aid, placing the arbitrage from <br /> High School .Funds into Free Cash and thea -voting to place into <br /> Stabilization and leaving the Overlay Surplus alone or possibly <br /> placing it 'n Stabilization. Mr. Whritenour felt the minimum goal <br /> for Stabilization should be 5k at all times but have a goal of 10 <br /> He agreed that the Town has a great need in the future of having <br />