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7/23/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
7/23/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page <br /> noted above., Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned to approve the submission of <br /> Article 2 as amended. Mr. Gallo seconded the Motion. and members <br /> approved 6-0 , <br /> Article 3 asks that Chapter 37, Section 7- 1 be amended to include <br /> a Finance C nn:ttee member into collective bargaining as an ex- <br /> officio member of the negotiating team, Mr. Bacigalupi expressed <br /> that he has certain reservations about this article. He would <br /> prefer the Finance Committee assist in setting guidelines., as done <br /> in the past. Mr. Goggin mentioned that he felt the Finance <br /> omittee should be involved early. He added that once the <br /> negoti'ati'ons are. complete and the Selectmen have agreed to a <br /> contract, it 's too late f'or the Finance cOnmittee to. get their <br /> voice heard. Mr. Goggia felt that th�:s was a good time for the <br /> Finance Cottee to initiate this article. Mr. Golub also <br /> disagreed. He felt that his presence ce at the School ' s- negotiations- <br /> was v ry beneficial . r. Kumin stated that he. would vote to <br /> approve this art i c e, but only after a joint meeting with the Board <br /> of Selectmen. Mr. watt felt that the Committee should vote on this <br /> wording, And pull 31 - needed after a joint meeting. Mr.. Goggin and <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi agreed. Mr. Bacigalupi also suggested that a <br /> petition be ready to go with 10 signatures ready. Mr. Golub agreed <br /> to make up a petition article. r.. Goggin Motioned to. approve this <br /> article with certain wording changes a discussed and to submit <br /> subject to a Joint meeting with the Selectmen. Mr. watt seconded <br /> the Motion and members approved 6-0 , The c nmittee requested that <br /> . letter be -sent to the Selectmen notifying them that this article <br /> has been approved by- the Committee and that the Finance Committee <br /> wishes to have a joint meeting to- discuss . <br /> The fourth article will transfer money from available funds to the <br /> S-tabilization Account, Mr. Bacigalupi menu p ed that he would <br /> approve if' ars amount was- placed in the article. The Committee <br /> agreed to $1 million. Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned- to app os e- rticl.e <br /> . Mr. Kumin seconded the motion and members approved 6-0 , Mro <br /> Golub and Mr. Bacigalupi agreed to work together to. f:inalize the <br /> wording for dubmission of these ticles. <br /> Mr.. Golub thea continued to review the Committee' s agenda. Be <br /> asked i Mr. Watt had the- opportunity to research the fuel. costs <br /> issue.7 <br /> Mr.. matt had not . Mr. Golub asked the committee if they <br /> had seem the article which he had submitted as their monthly mews <br /> article? Mr. Golub felt it would be a good time for Mr. Watt to <br /> contact Mr. Taylor and invite him to attend a , meeting. Mr. Watt <br /> agreed and would try to schedule him for the August 2,7th meeting. <br /> Mr, watt also stated that he would provide a report for their next <br /> meeting on the 13th. <br /> Mr. Golub mentioned that he had met. with Dr, Lincoln DeMoura and <br /> discussed the. Town' s growth pattern, Dr. Deloura indicated that he <br /> world provide the Finance Committee with updated spread sheets and <br /> a disc by their next meeting. <br />
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