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r <br /> Page <br /> Auditor"s Report <br /> The Committee discussed the Town' s audit report. Chairman Golub <br /> felt that there were two or three issues, He mentioned that there <br /> was no reconciliation of the ambulance r ceipts account . There was <br /> also an issue regarding Public worts . Toouch money was borrowed <br /> and too much interest was paid. There also were bondisues that <br /> are callable. Mr. Golub mentioned that they should speak to the <br /> Treasurer regarding, that. Mr. GOlub would call Ms . Shaw re a d3Lg. <br /> th it invitation to their next meeting and inquire as to whether or <br /> not she would attend. <br /> Budget Reviews. <br /> Mr. Golub -as] ed if there were any c o arne.nt s on budgeting.. He felt <br /> that nothing appeared out of lime presently. <br /> CIP Appointment <br /> Mr Golub asked i.f the Committee wished to vote on a CIP <br /> appointment . Mr. Golub mentioned that Jerome Clair showed interest <br /> and had good credentials . The other candidate, Joseph Biknaitlws, <br /> interested in the vacant Finance Committee seat had not showed any <br /> .interest in the CIP opening. Mr.. Bacigalupi Motioned to appoint. <br /> Jerome lair to the Capital Improvement Committee. Tony Gallo <br /> seconded- the Motidn and me b e r s app rove d 6-0 . The F.i n nc e <br /> Committee had, at a previous. meeting, appointed W. Goulart to the <br /> vacant Finance Co ittee seat . <br /> Financial oaf, .and Objectives <br /> r-. ol'ub had drafted a copy f Section 2 under Fiscal Policies., <br /> After a lengthy discussion o "'Free Cash" and "Undesignated Funds", <br /> the Committee agreed to certain wording changes , Mr. Kumin was not <br /> comfortable voting for the -s a and piece of the Section as <br /> presented, After many changes, Mr. Bacigalupi motioned to approve <br /> this section as- amended. -fir. Goggin seconded the Motion and <br /> members approved 6-0 , The Committee continued to review the. packet <br /> and made certain other minor changes. They agreed to table- Section <br /> 3. under Debt Management PolicieB until: ' their meeting with the <br /> Treasurer/ Tac Collector. Mr. Bacigalupi Mentioned that he would <br /> type a clean copy of this for the next meeti' g with the amendments <br /> included. <br /> New Bus i"ne s <br /> Mr, a igalupi mentioned that at the Se ctmen'-s meeting there had <br /> been A Suggestion that property owners very delinquent in their <br /> -taxes not be allowed to take. out permits or be. allowed to get <br /> extensions on developments . Mr, Goggin was uncomfortable with the <br /> suggestion# He asked what is considered delinquent? What if an <br /> individual is up to- date on certainproperties-, but not on others <br />