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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> AUGUST 13, 1996 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT :o o M <br /> Finance Committee members present : Sid Golub, Chairman; Dan <br /> Goggin; Juan Ba i alupi; Tony Gallo and fancy Goulart . Mr. Watt <br /> and Mr. Kumin were unable to attend. The meeting was held at the <br /> Carol Jacobson Senior Center. <br /> Please note for the record that once the MinuteB are approved, the <br /> audio tape will be reused. <br /> minutes <br /> Juan Bac igalupi Motioned to approve the Minutes of July 23rd as <br /> written. Mr. Gallo seconded the Motion. Mr. Golub asked that an <br /> amendment be made to the first page, last paragraph, so that the <br /> Minutes recd tyle Chief Is request). . Finance Committee members <br /> approved the Minutes 4-0 with the amendment noted, Ms . Goulart <br /> abstaining. <br /> Chairman Golub informed the Committee that Anne Shaw, Treasurer, <br /> would not be attending the night '-s meeting, but asked that she be <br /> invited to attend a meeting in September. Mr. Goggin agreed to <br /> speak to Ms . Shaw. Mr. Golub felt that two or three well brought <br /> suits would get the job done in regard to - ertain properties in tax <br /> title. <br /> The Finance Committee had received a copy of a letter from Kopelman <br /> and Paige giving their opinion regarding the Finance Committee <br /> having a member on the ne of i t inq 'team. The Finance Committee had <br /> previously as} ed that the E e utive Secretary request from Town <br /> Counsel the legality of the article which they intended to submit <br /> to the October Tarrant . The article ont a ins language, why. h 'f <br /> approved, would allow one Finance Committee member to. attend any <br /> collective bargaining session as an ex officio member of the <br /> negotiating team. The member would have no voting rights but may <br /> make recommendations to the Selectmen or their designee . Mr. Golub <br /> asked the Finance Committee if they wished tp respond or how they <br /> wished to move on this issue . The Committee agreed that the <br /> Chairman should write a setter to Attorney Marder, thanking him for <br /> his opinion. Mr. Ba igalupi stated that Attorney Marder would have <br /> to review it eventually because he would review all articles being <br /> submitted. <br /> Fuel Purchases. <br /> The Committee reviewed Alec Watt' s report on fuel purchases . <br /> Chairman Golub stated that it would be very worth whale to have a <br /> meeting with Greg Taylor, DPW Director. Mr. Goggin asked why Mr. <br /> Taylor did not have more bidders? Mr. Golub answered that he had <br /> contacted Cormier Shell and another station and they responded that <br /> i <br /> i <br />