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8/13/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
8/13/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Page <br /> they hadn' t known the contract was up for bid. Mr. Golub felt that <br /> it was not sufficiently adert.i sed. Mr. Goggin wondered why <br /> Cormier right have a lack of interest . Mr. Ba ig.alupi felt that <br /> the most convenient station would be the Mobil Station at the <br /> rotary. Mr. Golub did not think the Finance Committee should just <br /> sit on this . Mr. Goggin agreed that it should be set up for next <br /> April . The Committee agreed that Mr. Watt had done a good job thus <br /> far and should continue to pursue this matter. Mr. Baigalupi <br /> suggested writing a proposal to the Town. Mr.. Golub suggested <br /> tabling the discussion until Mr. Watt was present . Mr. Goggin <br /> asked that the Chairman. get the fuel cost numbers . <br /> Reserve er ve Fund Transfer <br /> The Selectmen have requested that $10, 000 be transferred from the <br /> Reserve Fund to the Legal, Engineering and Consulting Fund for <br /> assistance needed in assessing the implications of actions proposed <br /> by the government on the Town of Mashpee, and recommendations for <br /> consideration by the Town in addressing the impacts of those <br /> actions . The request further explained that these services had not <br /> been considered at the time the budget was prepared. Mr. <br /> Ba igalupi mentioned that at a previous discussion with the Board <br /> of Selectmen he had told them to first expend the. money in their <br /> .budget and then come to the Finance Committee fora transfer. At <br /> this point there is no emergency due to the fact that there is <br /> still money in their budget . Mr. Baigalupi Motioned to not <br /> approve this request at this time. Mr. Gallo seconded the Motion. <br /> Mr. Golub stated that the Cb mtittee should just send the request <br /> back to them stating that it is an incomplete presentation. Mr. <br /> Goggin was in favor of telling them to first use their budget . Mr. <br /> Golub stated that the Committee did not know their available funds . <br /> He felt that the Selectmen should first cone forward to justify <br /> their needs . Mr, Ba igalupi felt that the Committee would be <br /> setting a bad precedent. He explained that the Finance Committee <br /> had asked other Departments requesting a Deserve Fuad Transfer to <br /> first use up their budgets and then cone before the Committee. It <br /> was suggested that the Finance Committee vote on the Motion on the <br /> floor and thea add that the Selectmen could then come before the <br /> Finance Committee to further~ discuss their request . Juan amended <br /> his Motion to read that the Finance. Committee does not approve this <br /> transfer request, but asks that the Selectmen fiat use the monies <br /> in their budget and further invites then to come before the Finance <br /> Committee to discuss further if there is anything to add. Mr. <br /> Goggin seconded the Motion and members voted unanimously -o . <br /> Articles <br /> Chairman Golub handed out copies of the Articles which the Finance <br /> Committee would be submitting. Mr. Golub explained that this was <br /> the final wording. On the reverse side, there were also three <br /> petition articles which Mr. Ba igalupi would be submitting. The <br /> Committee reviewed. Mr. Gallo remained unsure that the moderator <br />
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