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x, <br /> Page <br /> Voters with respect to the Education Reform Act and the revision <br /> formula which would help Mashpee. According to the Chairman, <br /> Mashpee' has other problems besides the EQV. Mr•. Golub informed <br /> the Cbmmittee that there was another meeting the. following <br /> Thursday at the Marstons Mills Middle school if anyone wished to <br /> attend. Nancy cffyn would be there. Mr. Golub also intended to <br /> be there. <br /> Mr. Golub also asked whether there was anyone interested in being <br /> the Cape cod eoh's representative? The school has written a <br /> letter to the Finance Committee. Mr, Golub would try to attend. <br /> Mr, Watt came back into the meeting at 7:25PM. <br /> Mr. dolub mentioned that he had received a letter in regard to <br /> the establishment of a District for political planning in regard <br /> to the Mashpee River. Mr. Watt has taken the letter. #r. <br /> ac galupi commented that. 't has a potential financial impact. <br /> It will enhance green tourism but will restrict certain property <br /> owners,. Mr. Golub mentioned that a letter had been sent to Mr, <br /> whrie teneur in re ar d to the correspondence received from Mr. <br /> Mc onagale, but there has been ' no response. Mr. Golub would <br /> contact Mr. whritenour. <br /> Mr. Golub also had received an anonymous letter in regard to <br /> department he ds using the internet and abusing their privileges. <br /> The Committee agreed to pass this letter onto the Executive <br /> Secretary. <br /> Mr, Golub would copy the budget package for the nekt meeting. <br /> The deadline for department heads is January 3rd. <br /> Finance Committee vacancy <br /> Mr. Donald Fullerton was present at the meeting and expressed his, <br /> int rest ire the vacant seat, He provided a copy of his resume <br /> and answered any questions the Finance Committee had* Mr. Golub <br /> informed trim haat the Committee would let him know by January <br /> 8th, Jerry Clair was also present and expressed his .interest <br /> once again. It was asked that Jane LaBute be contacted in order <br /> that she be requested to provide the status of terms of the <br /> Finance Committee members. Ir. Bacigalupi also mentioned that <br /> the F n e committee needs to prepare thir budget and he <br /> suggested $5,000 ire expenses if going the PennySaver route. Mr. <br /> Bacigalupo. Motioned to place $100,000 in the Reserve Account, <br /> $1,000 in Expenses and $5,000 into the distribution of the <br /> Finance Committee Report. Mr. Goggia seconded the Motion and <br /> members approved 7*-0. Mr, Bacigalupi Motioned to send a letter <br /> to the Board of Selectmen consider-long' the official. Town Policy <br /> which had been presented by the Finance Committee* Mr. Goggin <br /> seconded the Motion and members approred 7-0 Mr. Golub asked <br /> tt this letter be prepared and 8ent.. <br />