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1/29/1997 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
1/29/1997 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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4 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Dr.. I M ura wished to discuss an article which the Committee may <br /> vote to submit to the May Town Warrant . The article requests <br /> that $65, 000 be reimbursed to the schools because of unexpected <br /> costs In the late opening of the high school . Mr. Golub <br /> disagreed. He claimed that Stone has been paying $18 , 000 per <br /> Month for utilities at the high school up until now and that the <br /> school has not had to pay these bills . They should not have a <br /> deficit, according to Mr. Golub. It was the understanding of Mr. <br /> Golub that Stone would continue to pay these utilities until the <br /> high school was complete and the school is not complete . Mr# <br /> hritenour mentioned that this exact issue is being addressed by <br /> Town Counsel. . Mr. Goggia asked what would happen if the school. <br /> Department did not get a commitment tonight for Dr. <br /> eMoura answered that there would need to be drastic changes trade <br /> in the School Department immediately. Selectmen Caffyn asked the <br /> cost of utilities . Dr. DeMoura answered that electricity is <br /> approximately $83 , 000 annually. Ms . Caffyn was surprised at the <br /> number of lights on at the school at night . Mr. Paxton answered <br /> that the outside lights are all on or all off . Mr. } iii io <br /> interrupted and said for the group talk about what. can be done. <br /> Mr. Golub responded that if the budgeting had been done right we <br /> wouldn' t be here. <br /> Ms . Caffyn also asked about cleaning costs for the facility. Dr. <br /> eMoura responded that there were certain areas that had to be <br /> done again and again. Cleaning services kicked ed in November. Mr. <br /> Goggin asked the total. budget . The answer was $8 .4 million. <br /> Chairman Costa asked if the School wanted a decision tonight? <br /> M . Mills answered that the School should not be out on this limb <br /> all by themselves . This was an extraordinary event . Ms . Mills <br /> stated that they came tonight to ask for help and support . <br /> There was some mention of utilizing the Reserve Fund. Mr. Goggin <br /> stated that it was the Finance Committee' s poli y to utilize the <br /> Reserve Fund when all other resources have been used. Mr. Golub <br /> again mentioned that the budget was underestimated. Ms. Caffyn <br /> suggested asking Town Counsel to put this article in words that <br /> won' t have all these questions . If certain things are <br /> reimbursable, it should be ]mown, according to Ms. Caffyn,. Mr. <br /> Goggin suggested that if all agree that these expenditures were <br /> unforeseen, then try to live within your budget and then come <br /> before the Finance Committee with a request to transfer from the <br /> Reserve Fund. Mr. Watt responded to this article by Saying he <br /> felt Mr. Golub had a valid point regarding under budgeting, but <br /> also to withdraw $65, 000 fro the Reserve Fund would bring the <br /> Account to an extremely low balance. Mr. Goggin felt that he <br /> would be comfortable committing to suorting this article at the <br /> spring town meeting if needed 'at that point . Mr. Golub was not <br /> comfortable supporting if it is not an emergency. The Finance <br /> Committee would have the opportunity to vote for a Reserve Fund <br /> transfer if the Town said no to the article. Mr. Costa stated <br /> that all should support the article and if it doesn' t pass then <br />
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