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NO, 071 go 2 <br /> WOODARD&CURRAN <br /> Engineering , Science - Operations <br /> W.Gregory Taylor,Director of Public Works <br /> December 19, 1996 <br /> Page 2 <br /> • undersand how additional data gathering efforts effect implementation of the planned remediation <br /> activities, <br /> • identify risks if remediation does not proceed as planned and provide recommendations to the Town <br /> regarding actions to be taken with the MADEP in moving the project forward. <br /> Consistent with our approach on work being done regarding the AFCEE's activities at MMR,we will use to the <br /> maximum extent possible available project related materials and not expend funds on development of original <br /> graphics and/or maps,or perform analysis using rigorous mathematical models. It is our intention to be sure that <br /> those activities remain under the jurisdiction of the MADE?and its contractor(s). <br /> Task I -Meetine with MADEP. <br /> The purpose of this meeting is understand past and current MADEP strategies and objectives for mitigation of the <br /> on-and off-site contamination. We anticipate this meeting will take place at the MADEP's offices and require <br /> about 4-hours effort. One key objective will be to identify relevant technical reports/documents and collect copies <br /> of selected materials for use in Task 2 -Review of Project Information <br /> Task 2 -Review of Project Information. <br /> The purpose of this task is to develop an understanding of the site conditions and off-site distribution of <br /> groundwater contamination. This information will be used to identify data gaps and assess actions(additional <br /> investigations and remediation)being considered by the MADER We expect this effort will require about two <br /> weeks to complete. <br /> Task 3 - Identification of Data Gags and Recommendations. <br /> Data gaps identified as a result of the Task 2 effort will be summarized and recommendations offered to address <br /> each of the gaps. We propose meeting with the MADEP and reviewing our findings and recommendations and <br /> establish a mutual understanding of the remaining project schedule. <br /> Task 4-Town Meetine Presentation. <br /> The results of the assessment and meetings with the MADEP will be presented to the Board of Selecmtan at a <br /> mutually agreeable time. <br /> Schedule. <br /> We anticipate that Task I through 3 can be completed within one month of the initial meeting with the MADEP. <br /> The presentation to the Town would occur at the Town meeting following completion of Task 3. <br />