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5 <br /> Mr. Golub noted that the by-laws require the.Finance Committee to include the C.I.P. report <br /> as part of the Finance Committee Report. Mr. Golub read the by-law concerning the report of <br /> the C.I.F. Committee which Mates the following: <br /> The C.I.P. Conunittee shall also prepare a Capital Improvement Program for <br /> the following three years for presentation to the Finance Committee. The <br /> Finance Committee will include said report from the Capital Improvement <br /> Committee including explanations in its report for the Spring Annual Town <br /> Meeting. <br /> There was discussion among the Finance Committee regarding the by-law rewiring the <br /> Finance Committee to submit an article to the Board of Selectmen for inclusion in the <br /> Warrant_ <br /> Mr. Golub Mated that they should consider the report received from.the Capital Improvement <br /> Committee. The report is entitled,'Fiscal Year 1998 Capital Improvement Program, <br /> Chairman's Report"dated February 14, 1997. He feels it would be a mistake to ignore.the <br /> report and that the Finance Committee should address the issue in accordance with the bylaw. <br /> Mr. Watt remarked that he also feels that, in accordance with the -law,the C.I.P. report <br /> should be part of the Finance Committee report and the Finance Committee should comment <br /> on it, <br /> Mr. Golub stated that,as Mr. Whritenour and Mr. Taylor noted,the C.I.P. report i <br /> representative of the projects presented by the Department Leads and that they have not had <br /> the time to go through it nor have they ordered the merit of any of these projects. It is merely <br /> a listing of all the projects that are before the town. They noted that they will give it due <br /> diligence in the year in which the funds are required. <br /> Mr. Golub commented that submitted with the report should be the comments of the Finance <br /> Committee in that they take no position on the future years' requests in view of the fact that <br /> they have not been prioritized by the Capital Improvement Program Committee. <br /> Mr. Coggin feels that because we are tallying about the capital needs of the community and <br /> lame financial expenditures, and as the town's financial advisors,we should offer an opinion. <br /> Mr. Golub agreed with Mr. Coggin that if we are going to include the report,that it i <br /> important to point out that the Finance Committee sees these needs as surpassing our ability <br /> to fund in these three years and they need to be prioritized and pared clown in future <br /> presentations for the town. <br /> Mr. Goggin stated that when the Executive Secretary and Greg Taylor met with the Finance <br /> Committee,,they were requested to prioritize their report. They told the Finance Committee <br /> that they were not able to prioritize at this particular point in time because it is too far in the <br /> future. <br /> Mr. Golub remarked that he feels we have a responsibility to include something. <br />