repairs to Quinaquisset Road to augment the bridge between the Town of Mashpee and the Barnstable County
<br /> repairs. Sheriff's Department. (Submitted by Petition)
<br /> Finance Committee recommends approval based on this Finance Committee does not recommend approval
<br /> being a transfer of funds from one operating account to There has been no significant reason to change. There
<br /> another. has been no cost evaluation and no Operational Study
<br /> presented by either of the Town's Safety Officers.
<br /> Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to authorize and
<br /> empower the Board of Selectmen to prepare a plan laying Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend
<br /> out and defining the Ashers Heights Development and to Chapter 112,Article I, of the Mashpce Town Code by
<br /> accomplish said purpose and for expenses incidental and amending 112-1,which currently states:
<br /> related thereto,the Town vote to raise and appropriate or
<br /> transfer from funds available for appropriation a sum of "any board,officer,committee or department may deny
<br /> money to the Ashers Heights Development Account and to any application for or revoke or suspend any local license
<br /> mise said appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of or permit,including renewals and transfers,for any
<br /> the Board of Selectmen be authorized to borrow at one person, corporation or business enterprise who has
<br /> time,or from time to time,a sum of money under and neglected or refused to pay any local taxes,fees,
<br /> pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7 or 8,or any other assessments,betterments or any other municipal charges."
<br /> enabling authority and to issue bonds and notes of the
<br /> Town therefor, and further,to see if the Town will vote to By adding the following new text to the end of the section:
<br /> raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a
<br /> sum of money to the Ashers Heights Road Account to "...or with respect to any activity,event or other matter
<br /> provide interest and debt issuance expenses,or take any which is subject of such license or permit and which
<br /> other action relating thereto. (Submitted by Petition) activity,event or matter is carried out or exercised or is to
<br /> be carried out or exercised on or about any real estate
<br /> mance Committee recommends approval based on the whose owner has neglected or refused to pay any local
<br /> fact that this is the first step in the Town taking a private taxes,fees,assessments,betterments or any other
<br /> road If accepted, the costs will be passed on as a municipal charges."
<br /> betterment to the abutters.
<br /> And further to see if the Town will vote to amend 112-3
<br /> of Chapter 112 of the Town Code by deleting the first
<br /> Article 22. To see if the Town will accept the provisions sentence of said section which states:
<br /> of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 108L,
<br /> as amended,providing a career incentive program "The licensing authority may deny, revoke or suspend any
<br /> offering base salary increases to regular full-time police license or permit,including renewals and transfers, of any
<br /> officers as a reward for furthering their education in the part whose name appears on said list furnished to the
<br /> field of law enforcement. (Submitted by Petition) licensing authority from the Tax Collector;provided,
<br /> however,that written notice is given to the party and Tax
<br /> Finance Committee does not recommend approval Collector, as required by the applicable provisions of law,
<br /> because we feel this should be part of the collective and said party is given a hearing,to be held not earlier
<br /> bargaining process, than fourteen(14)days after said notice."
<br /> And inserting in its place in 112-13 the following first
<br /> Article 23. To see if the Town will agree to end the sentence:
<br /> relationship with Barnstable County in regards to the
<br /> Barnstable County Sheriffs Department, "The Licensing authority may deny, revoke or suspend
<br /> Communications Division, serving as the Primary Public any license or permit,including renewals and transfers,of
<br /> Safety Answering Point(P.S.A.P.)for the Town of any party whose name appears on said list furnished to the
<br /> Mashpee's Emergency 9-1-1,and that this Primary licensing authority from the Tax Collector or with respect
<br /> P.S.A.P.,along with all necessary equipment,be to any activity,event or other matter which is the subject
<br /> transferred to the Town of Mashpce's Public Safety of such license or permit and which activity, event or
<br /> Communication Center,located at the Mashpee Police matter is carried out or exercised on or about real estate
<br /> Station at no expense to the taxpayers of the Town of owned by any party whose name appears on said list
<br /> Mashpee,in accordance with the written agreement furnished to the licensing authority from the Tax
<br /> Collector,provided,however,that written notice is given
<br /> 5
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