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old." In Section 79-613. (2)(c)by replacing the words Explanation:Persons who give false information to a <br /> "The dog"with"A dog or cat;" or take any other action police officer or animal control officer regarding <br /> relating thereto. (Submitted by Town Clerk and Animal ownership of a dog or cat will be subject to a fine. <br /> Control) <br /> Finance Committee takes no position on this Article. <br /> Explanation: Consistent with State Law, (CH. 140, Sec. <br /> 145B),the proposed amendments to this section would <br /> add cats to rabies vaccination requirements. Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the <br /> following borrowing authorizations: <br /> Finance Committee takes no position on this Article. $21,250 Fire Pump Rehab Art#6 ATM 10/7/97 <br /> $10,000 Land Acquisition Art#35 ATM 5/5/97 <br /> $60,000 Land Acquisition Art#36 ATM 5/5/97 <br /> Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend or take any other action relating thereto. (Submitted by <br /> Chapter 79 of the Town By-Laws by adding thereto a new Town Accountant) <br /> Section 79-5.2. as follows: <br /> Explanation: This article is for bookkeeping purposes <br /> Section 79-5.2. Penalties for failure to license a dog. only. This will rescind the borrowing authorizations. <br /> Whoever violates 79-6 shall be subject to a fine of twenty- <br /> five dollars($25)for each offense,or take any other action Finance Committee recommends approval. <br /> relating thereto. (Submitted by Town Clerk and Animal <br /> Control) <br /> Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br /> Explanation: Dog owners that fail to obey the Town's appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of <br /> dog license laws would be subject to a fine. $28,300 to the Trash Expense Account,or take any other <br /> action relating thereto. (Submitted by the Board of Health) <br /> Finance Committee takes no position on this Article. <br /> Explanation: The Board of Health in June 1997 solicited <br /> bids for the operation of the transfer station/recycling and <br /> Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend landfill operations. The Board of Health budgeted <br /> Chapter 79 of the Town By-Laws by adding thereto a new $262,500 for Fiscal Year 1998. The only bid received <br /> Section 79-5.3. as follows: came in at$290,800. The present contract therefore <br /> would end on May 23, 1998. The$28,300 requested <br /> Section 79-5.3. Penalties for failure to vaccinate a dog would extend the contract to the end of Fiscal Year 1998 <br /> or cat against rabies. Whoever violates the provisions of which is June 30, 1998. <br /> Section 79-6.D. shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars <br /> ($50)for each offense,or take any other action relating Finance Committee recommends approval because only <br /> thereto. (Submitted by Town Clerk and Animal Control) one bid was received in the bid process and that bid <br /> came in well above expectations. Nevertheless,the <br /> Explanation: Owners that fail to inoculate their dog or Finance Committee believes that alternatives should be <br /> cat against rabies will be subject to a fine. explored such as having a rebid for the final years of the <br /> contract and investigating the use of town employees to <br /> Finance Committee takes no position on this Article. run the transfer station. <br /> Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br /> Chapter 79 of the Town By-Laws by adding thereto a new and transfer$20,000 from the Quinaquisset Bridge <br /> Section follows: Account to the Quinaquisset Road Account,or take any <br /> other action relating thereto. (Submitted by Department of <br /> Section 79-5.4. Penalties for failure to answer Public Works) <br /> questions. If any person answers falsely questions of a <br /> police officer or Animal Control Officer pertaining to Explanation: This Article seeks to transfer funds set aside <br /> ownership of a dog or cat,he/she shall be punished by a at a previous town meeting for the repair of the <br /> fine of twenty-five dollars($25)for each offense,or take Quinaquisset Bridge. The bridge will be repaired with <br /> any other action relating thereto. (Submitted by Town 100%of the cost paid by the State. The funds previously <br /> Clerk and Animal Control) reserved for the bridge will be used to make necessary <br /> 4 <br />