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4 <br /> I <br /> Trash Regional Transportation: This is our share of runwng the Otis Transfer Station <br /> plus the Bay Colony Trucking to Semass. <br /> Trash Local Transfer Contract: This item went up$7,000 per contract. <br /> Trash Semss Regional: This item went up slightly in anticipation of what the term. <br /> will be for the coming year, <br /> Trash Recycling: This budget item has been budgeted at$20,000. He noted that F ' <br /> was at$201,000 and it had been dropped to$15,000 for FY98 and now they are putting it <br /> back up to$20,000. He said that the recycling market is hard to predict. He noted that <br /> effective on July 1 of this year,they will no longer be able to accept bulky waste at their <br /> transfer station—the landfill isgoing to be closed. He said it is unknown how many <br /> tons of the bulky waste will corse in and it will have to be stored and transferred haul d <br /> to Bourne. He said Bourne has a con nercial landfill license. <br /> Engineering/Supervision Services; This line item has gone clown drastically from <br /> $42,500 t $301,000. <br /> Trash-Hazardous waste: This item is level funded. <br /> There was discussion concerming the D.P.W. operating the landfill versus having a private <br /> contractor. It was noted that they will look constantly at the issue of cost savings and whether <br /> the D.P.W. should take over the service. <br /> Mr.Kuminu ti n d I Ir. Nie ' <br /> cl Quaid where the proceeds of the rccyclir�g fund o. r. <br /> McQuaid stated that the proceeds go to the General Fund. He added that for this year,the <br /> proceeds amounted to about$1,000. <br /> Mr. McQuaid also noted that orb-side trash pick-up should be looked into. He noted that he <br /> discussed this with Mr. Vhritenour. He noted,however,that they are still paying for the <br /> transfer station. <br /> Mr. Cleary questioned what would happen if no responses to the RFP are received. It was <br /> stated that they would have to go back out to bid. <br /> ASSESSOR'S BUDGET Raw: <br /> Ir.Dave Bailey,Director of Assessing,reviewed the Assessor's budget request for F . <br /> Chairman watt requested Mr.Baxley to explain the line item reduction for Assessors Full <br /> Time Local 254. <br /> Mr.Bailey noted that a couple years ago they were approved for a full-time clerk. Knowing <br /> the projects that they had corning up, it looked like it would be necessary to replace the part- <br /> tune clerk with a full-time clerk. However,the Assistant Assessor requested to give it a try <br /> with the part-time clerk because of the cyclical nature of the office in that they are busy some <br /> of the time and do not have enough work other times for a full-time clerk. He said that at <br /> this time,they don't need the full-brae clerk—they are working it out with the part-time <br /> clerk. <br />