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2 <br /> October Town Meeti Arficle 1 —Two Additional Kreftger EMT Positions: <br /> Chicf Baker noted that for last May'Town Meeting,it was discussed in depth the need for the <br /> Fire Department to look proactively towards the fate as the town increases and especially <br /> with the possibility of the new substation. Chief Baker noted that,at that time,,the Finance <br /> Comnfittee had suggested that he split his request for four firefighters—request two <br /> firefighters at a time. <br /> Chief Baker noted that it is important to note that the Fire Department has four shifts. In <br /> order to bring the sting of the department up to 24 hours a day,they need four people. He <br /> sued that.hiring two people will start the process;and,thereby,half—of-the-time here wifl be <br /> additional staff available to either impact their leave,their responses,and to impact their <br /> second and third calls. <br /> Chief Baker discussed the fact that their emergency calls core in btmches and as they get <br /> busier,they are getting more of them. <br /> Chairwoman Goulaft questioned Chief Baker how many Fircfighters they have in a vehicle. � <br /> Chief Baker stated that in the sumertime,they have amini of 5 fimfighters on duty <br /> and in the winter,they go back to a minimum of 4 firefighters on duty. A fie engtine will go <br /> out with 4 people and an ambulance wffl go out with 2, 3,or 4 people. Chief Baker noted that <br /> they always keep a minimum of 2 people in the station;therefore,if they receive a tel,they <br /> may have to reel people. He said that reel people are pd at an overtime rate. Chief <br /> Baker informed the Finance Committee that during the ruse period,while they are <br /> responding to a calL they keep a minimum of 2 people in the motion because the nuinimum t <br /> operate the ambulance legally is 2 people. <br /> Where was discussion on the procedm followed to cafl additional firefighters Mi . <br /> Chief Baker stated that with the addition of these two new positions,it would start the process <br /> of bringing them up to additional firefighters on duty;and by starting them in January, it <br /> gives then the opportunity to start the probationary truing before they get too busy during <br /> July and August. He added that it would help with having more control over vacation. <br /> 1ods+ <br /> W Arden questioned Chief Baker what Traction of the calls r=ived are EMT els. Chief <br /> Baker responded that- %of their responses=ambulance cabs and the other 4 %are dire <br /> truck calls. Chief Baker pointed out that fire truck c Us tape 4 people to respond EMs'calls <br /> take 2, 3,or 4 people. Chief Baker noted that with the staffing hours put to calls,it is almost <br /> 50150. <br /> Mr. batt questioned Chief Baker when the last hire of an additional fire fighter position was. <br /> Chief Baker stated that 3-12 gears ago,there were 4 new positions. <br /> Qst.ober Town Maga.Article 26—Fire Department's." FE."Trailer. <br /> Chief Baker noted that this article is for ownership of the"SAFE"Trailer. <br /> October Town Meeting,,Article 27—B- -Law for Fire Hydrants:. <br /> thief Baker noted that he omitted with article for the Town to accept the new by-law <br /> regarding fire hydrants with no obstructions. <br />