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9/1/1998 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
9/1/1998 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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4 <br /> 3 <br /> October Town Meeting,Article 25—Automatic FireSprinklers: <br /> Chief Baker stated that he is asking that the Town accept legislation that new multi-family <br /> condominium buildings be required to have sprinklers in them. <br /> "QUEST FOR TRANSFER FOR TOWN CLERKS OFFICE: <br /> Deborah rami,Town Clerk,was present to discuss the Request for Transfer which she <br /> submitted. The amount requested is$2,500.00,to be transferred to Town Clerk Expense. <br /> The present balance in said appropriation is$5,337.39. <br /> Ms.Dami stated that part of the request is for$1,318 for two new file cabinets which would <br /> douse voter registration cards, removed voters,and anything else needed. At the present <br /> time,they have 2 file cabinets—one cabinet Bolds strictly voter registrations and one cabinet <br /> holds dump stickers,beach stickers,zoning boobs. She said there is absolutely no File cabinet <br /> space left.. Ms.Damm stated that she has received a price from W.B.Mason in the amount of <br /> $659 for each file cabinet. <br /> I .Tani distributed a report which lists the amount of registered voters. She noted that, <br /> since January,they have increased their voters by 455 peplc and that is not including the <br /> numbers of voters they have removed. She added that census has increased by 465 since <br /> January. Ms.Darni noted that they are currently at 12,301 residents. <br /> Ms. Dai stated that the other part of the request is for$1,400 for binding books. This would <br /> include binding of birth certificates, marriage certificates,mutes etc. She stated that she <br /> had the man review what needed to be bound and he submitted an estimate of$1,400. She � <br /> noted that when the budget was done,.lane had only requested$400 for binding. Ms. Dann <br /> stated that her request is for the$400 in the expense account plus the deference of$1,000 to <br /> bind everything that she has. She noted that next year,the budget would have to be increased <br /> to$600 or$700 to bind everything. Ms.Darni noted that with this binding,they would have <br /> all 1996 and 1997 finished and bound. There are some birth certificates from 1995 also that <br /> need to be bound. She noted that books are bound by type of document. <br /> Chairwoman Goulart noted that there is a present balance of$5,337.39 in their account. She <br /> noted that usually it is recommended that they use the money in their budget and then cone <br /> back to the finance Committee when they run out of money. Ms. Dani noted that she <br /> believes the rest of their budget is based on outdated estimates and she doesn't know what <br /> else she wih be looking at as far as inadequate budgeting. She noted that she stiff has 3 <br /> elections to go through. lis. Rami added that with zoning updates,they are running out of <br /> zoning books and they now need to print. There i $2,000 set aside for buying new books and <br /> printing all the updates and she doesn't know if that will be enough because there are quite a <br /> few updates and the cost has gone up. <br /> There was discussion among the Finance Committee members to approve one file cabinet and <br /> then approve the other cabinet when all the money is used in their budget. <br /> After discussion among the Finance Committee members,Mr. Watt recommended that they <br /> pay one-haff of the cost of the bin l.hig this year and one-Half next year. <br />
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