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3 <br /> NIS-. Whritenour noted that the debt is going down nearly 1,000,000; however,that is debt <br /> exclusion,, so it is-not money that can be put back in to pay for items. with Outside 2-1/2,the <br /> tax rate is going down and debt is going down. However,with Inside 2i12,there is the <br /> school budget,the negotiation salary increases,and all'of the overhead items. <br /> Mr. Whritenour commented that they have conducted detailed budget sessions with every <br /> major department;and;there are-a few things that can be cut; however,there is not <br /> $3,000,000 worth of cuts in the budget. <br /> Mr. Whritenour stated that if it looks like-an ovemide is going to be needed, it may be wiser to <br /> decide how much is going to be given to the school and how much is going to be given to the <br /> Town and then figure out how much would'be necdbd for an override to support that and <br /> what it includes rattier than just saying the school has an override and,everyone else just-cuts <br /> their-budet. <br /> Mr: Golub requvAed-Mr.- Whritenour- o discuss-with-the-Finance Committee,what would <br /> happen if at May Town Meeting,the school budget is <br /> passed as is or slightly reduced along <br /> with some cuts from the departmental budgets-and they are-put in a situation where-there are <br /> not enough revenues and are not in balance. Mr. Golub requested Mr. Whritenour to walk <br /> through-the-pto be taken to-get the budget-in-bala , <br /> Mr. Whritenour noted that they should try to avoid at all costs leaving N4ay Town Meeting <br /> with a budget that-is way-out of line: e-stated that-they would have the-following options if <br /> the budget was not in balance: <br /> First Option is-to-immediately schedule another-election to try to go for,am override-Ind, <br /> thereby, create new revenues and bring the budget into balance. <br /> Second Option is to-hold-a-special Town-Meeting <br />