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Articles <br /> Chairwoman Goolart stated that they have an Article on Home Composting Bin. <br /> #r.McQuaid stag that this is a revolving account. Whatever money they make goes into <br /> this account and as they need it they can use the funds. <br /> Mr.McQuaid noted that another article is the Inter Municipal Agreement with Bourne. Mr. <br /> McQuaid stated that this is where the bulky waste-is now being transporta He noted that <br /> this locks in their tipping fee at$45.00 per ton. It increases slightly yearly for the neat three <br /> years. This is the cost of$25,000. <br /> i G REVUW-LIBRARY: <br /> IIs.Helene DeFoe,Librarian,was discuss the Library's Fiscal Year 2000 Budget <br /> Request. <br /> ,s.DeFoe noted that the changes in thir budget are with Friday afternoon hours at the <br /> Library. Ms.DeFoe commented that at I say Town Meeting,a voter criticized the Library <br /> because they are not open.on Fridays. She stated that they did some research to see if the <br /> was a way to cut some hours to stretch the opening and maybe not greatly inconvenience <br /> peoplc. She informed the Finance Committee that they had a new position waved last year <br /> —part-time children's librarian—and because of the job search,they were not able to Fill that <br /> position until about the second week of eptebr-,therefore,they had a little money lam. <br /> They cut An hour from the openings on Tuesdays and Thursdays;and,that,in addition to the <br /> money left from having that vacancy for 9 to 10'weeks,they were able to open and sober <br /> for four hours on Friday and carry that through the fiscal year. She s bnut#ed a report which <br /> listed emery Friday since they opened'on Fridays on October 16 and how naytransaions <br /> they did each Friday. She noted that b February,they were up into over 300 transactions for <br /> a Friday afternoon when they are open from I:0 She commmted that for a <br /> full eight-hour day,a busy day would be anything over 500 transactions. She added that for <br /> the 20 Fridays that they have been open so far,they have had a total of 4,345 Uwsactions. <br /> Ms.DeFoe stated that they do not have any money left to continue doing this for next year,so <br /> they have put it into the budget. She stated that the Salary&Wage has an iftcreaw o <br /> between$6,000 and$7,000--$3,047 are to had the Friday fours and$3,807 are for step <br /> increases and longevity. <br /> Ms.woe informed the-Finance Con ittee-that,they are going to add two new CLAMS <br /> ports which would bean addition$2,000--$1,000 apiece. This allows you to hook into <br /> the CLAMS mainframe computer and it is-not only-the-connection,but it-is the use-of the <br /> database,training,and it gives amass to some state databases. Right now they have two <br /> access stations,both of which are in the adult-department. They have no access in the <br /> children's department. One of the new station would be in the children's department and <br /> one for public use for access-t -the-Internet. She-stated that-this cost would,not be the <br /> hardware,but for the CLAMS fees. She added that they are going to try to use state funds to <br /> purchase whatever they need <br /> Chairwoman Gou[art questioned what the Library Educational Supplies was. Ms.DeFoc <br /> stated-that it is the book budget* <br /> Ms.D Foe sated that they have an Article in the Warrant(Article##2 which is an Article <br /> for the design of the new Library building. She noted-that the Governor has proposed a <br />