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5 <br /> 2 <br /> Ms.Rommetmeyer stated that what could be clone smice there are not enough ids in the <br /> Reserve Account to Dover 0 the above requests is raise the Medicm request on the Recap, <br /> use the Reserve Fund to transfer$16,000 for the legal andngm�e ring fees#use the Reserve <br /> Fund to transfer$2,161 for the bills,and for the Board of nth request,use the remaining <br /> balance in the Rewrve Fund and pay the remainder of the Board of Heath request from the <br /> Board of Health Expense Aunt. <br /> Vis.Rommehneyer stated that she talked with the Auditor concerning using the Board of <br /> Health Expense Acw=to fund the ruder of the Board of Reedth request. She said that <br /> she was told he did not like to do that,but she would not get written up. She noted that she <br /> would be withn to do this for now but not in the future. <br /> Its.Ronrnnelrneyer suggested that in the budget process for 200 1,they could put the Trash <br /> Amount right into the Board of Health Expense Account and it. She jftt d that if <br /> that was done and you have an overage in the tonnage and an underage in Human Services, <br /> you could move your money within that particular department. <br /> i <br /> REQUEST FOR 1AMME A 2& N1NERING <br /> Joyce Mason,Asdsw Town tor,was present to dismiss the Request for Transfer <br /> From The Reserve Fund She submitted. i <br /> Amount Requested: $161,000 <br /> To Be Transferred To: Legal&Engineering <br /> Ptesent Balance 1 Said Appropriation:- $1,800.00 <br /> Amount Requested WiU Be Used-. Legal Expenses for the months of <br /> May,and Juno <br /> Ms.Mason Stated that the legal eVenscs for the mom of May and June mount t <br /> $17,799.56. She bas the amount of$1,8W Idt mi the account, <br /> leis.Mason Wn rented that there has been a lot of legal work done for May and June. She <br /> noted tlt�afar this,becausc a lot of the work has been for the hand and it will be funded <br /> by the Land Bank. She pointed out that there was quite a bit of work done for the Belcher <br /> Property,, <br /> NAAw e forimakin <br /> Mr. Golub nye a motion that the west for Tmnser <br /> From tho Reserve Fund to Leal,Engineering and <br /> Qmmulfin in the amount of$16,000 be approved. <br /> Motion sow by Mr. Arden. <br /> VOW:Unanimom. 64 <br />