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Finance CommitteeJFebruary 2000 <br /> Chief Baker noted that Expenses are up 20%. He informed the Finance Committee that they � <br /> have a new diletnna concerning the medicines they are required to carry. There are some <br /> medicines they hardly use—such as the high-end cardiac medicines. when the expiration <br /> date was coming up,they used to be able to go to the hospital and trade it and the hospital <br /> would put it on their ER cart and use it. Now,the minute the medicine leaves the hospital,it <br /> can no longer be taken back into the hospital. Therefore,these,medicines that they are <br /> mandated to carry and are rarely used is now a cast to them* <br /> Ye <br /> ..h'cies Itemrs <br /> Chief Baker stated that he is trying to budget for repairs now bemuse he knows he is going to <br /> need them. <br /> Uniforms <br /> Chief Baker stated that he is on a three-year contract with uniform inreases. They switched <br /> from regular station wear to fire-retardant station wear. He is trying to follow in sync with <br /> the national-standard. <br /> Relj AWIM <br /> Chief Baker informed the Finance Committee that he may be back before the end of the year <br /> to request funding because he may run out of recall funds, <br /> Chief Baker informed the Finance Committee that he's asking for$650,000 for a 20-30 year <br /> vehicle. They are looking at an aerial platform truck. He said they are looking at an 85 to 9 <br /> foot platform truck. He noted that they sire looking through the Department of Agriculture at <br /> loan that they could get up to -year financing at %. The loan is available now and it is <br /> based on community size and available to communities uncles 10,000. Therefore,he noted <br /> that they would have to apply within the next 6 months to a year for this loan. <br /> For a 15 year loan,the payment would be$62,622 per year and the total payments would <br /> amount to$939,337. <br /> Chief Baker noted that he was warmed that the cost of these vehicles increases %per year. <br /> He also noted that there is a liability with not purchasing the truck. 1n addition,it causes <br /> degradation of"mutual aid!"relationships by not having an aerial ladder truck. <br /> ue� <br /> Chief Baker stated that the amount they budgeted for fuel is$12,850. He noted that this was <br /> based on$1.25 per gallon. He commented that sometimes they are paying more than the <br /> PUMP prices. <br /> i <br />