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`Mnance Committee Febru ry 29,2000 <br /> for the zoning. Ms,Datni noted that they haven't prmi ted the zoning books since 1997/early <br /> 1998. <br /> Nis.Dami commented that she would like to bring Strmt Listing mks into the Town. <br /> Mrs.Goulatt commented that under the line item of Temporary Wages,she noticed that the <br /> Selectmen have recommended less thea the Department Request of$6,600. Nis.Dani stated <br /> that these wages are for the Sticker Office. She said that she would like to create a trail-in <br /> program for the stickers. If'this is done,the temporary staff could be greatly reduced. She <br /> said that after last gear's schedule,she set up a work schedule for the sticker office to cover <br /> the heaviest periods of sticker sales. <br /> Nis.Dami stated that with the decrease in the Imre item,she might not open the Sticker Office <br /> until after.fume—she would rum it Monday through Friday out of the Clerk's Office in,lune. <br /> Also,they won't open Saturdays initialler. The Selectmen have cut the amount back to$5,370 <br /> from$6,600. <br /> Mrs. Goulart questioned Ms.I ami if she has a comparison Of other towns on the Cape for <br /> 'own Clerk salaries. Ms.Dani noted that last year she compared her salary with other Town <br /> Clerks on the Cape with same-size Towns and what scMces they provided. She noted that <br /> they all cane in$3,000-$4,000 hider and only two towns had a sticker office and not one <br /> of thein ran a$300,000 sticker office. She said in order to determine her salary,she looked at <br /> the Manager's Union Contract and they get a %and a 4%step increase. Therefore,she put <br /> In for a 7%raise,just like the Managers. <br /> Mr.Arden questioned the$550 for Town Clerk-Seminar. Ms.I a i stated that this is for an <br /> August class she is scheduled to attend. She said the ciass costs$550 and she does not stag <br /> overnight. <br /> ! oo &Bran <br /> Nis.Darni stated that there will be a treed to increase the amount requested for Elections <br /> Expense next year because the bill gust carte in for this coning primary and it is costing$900 <br /> gust to code it. <br /> Nlrs.Goulart questioned the$8,700 for Tempormy wages. Ms.Darni stated that those are <br /> the people who work the election floor. They are paid$7.16 per hour. She noted that she <br /> floes get some money from the Mate to pay for some of the extra hours. She noted that there <br /> are two elections coating up. <br /> SCM OL BUDGET DISCUSSION; <br /> In order to get ready for the meeting with the Selectmen and School Committee tomorrow, <br /> Mr.Arden distributed a handout to the Finance Committee members,which contains <br /> om ents he put together on the Mashpee School Budget. <br /> 1n the document,Mr.Arden pointed out the following: <br /> a Salary increases of %for the teaching staff versus others remiving increases o <br /> %. <br /> r <br />