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Finance Committee/Wrch 14,2000 <br /> It was noted that money was transferrred to the Data Processing budget from the Leisure <br /> Services budget for the purchase ofthis software, <br /> Mr.Buss added that he believes Guspriced the software on the cost of purchasing the main <br /> module. There is more to it. Mr.Buss stated that this software keeps all the amounting <br /> activity for the classes in addition to tracking the students sighing up for the class. <br /> W Buss sued that if you would take e Microsoft Access for this system,you would have to <br /> hire someone to pct it all together. His recommendation is to get ars off-the-shelf package <br /> that meets your needs—something that is already done,all the needs assessments have been <br /> done,towns are running it,municipalities are working with it already,so you wouldn't have <br /> to test it and go back to the Consultant. Mr.Buss recommended gating a package that you <br /> know is tried and true and-make sure it is what you want and that it works for you. This <br /> would be more cost effective. <br /> He added that if you wanted to develop this system yourself,you would have to get a qualified <br /> programmer to do this system,which is hard to get right now. Mr.Buss added that you <br /> would have to spend a lot of time developing this system. He noted that the most ui nportant <br /> part of putting together an application is sitting down and making sure everything you need is <br /> there# He commented that this is because when you have it done and then you see that you <br /> forgot to dosomething and thea you have to have the consultant go in andmake changes,this <br /> could affect something else and you canhave a cascading aMct. <br /> "There was discussion conceming the purchase of the software by Leisure Spices and the <br /> connectivity of this software with the Internet and allowing people to sign exp via the Internet. <br /> Upon question by Mrs.Goulart Mr.Bass stated that the Data Processing salary has increased <br /> due to conu actual obligations. <br /> Nor.Morgan noted that Repairs and Maintenance is up almost 38%. Mr.Buss stated that they <br /> are msting maintenance contracts. W.Buss reviewed the current maintenance contracts <br /> with the Finance Committee. <br /> ittee■ <br /> Mr.Buss noted that he handles all the departments except for School,Fire,and Police,who <br /> are on heir own and handle their own data processing needs. <br /> MANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINU'S'ES: <br /> ' `uesd L- 'cbrunr *2000,l e uiar Session <br /> - --- ----- -- rnn■•��i�l�r� <br /> Motion made by Mr,Arden to accept the F*Mance Committee <br /> Regular Session Minutes dated'Tuesday,February 29,2000. <br /> Notion seconded by Mr. Cashman and approved. <br /> ism March" ar ion <br /> Motion made by Mrs.G ulart to accept the Finance Committee <br /> Regular Session Minutes i.nurt dated Tuesday,March 7,2000. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr.Arden and approved. <br />