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'Finance CommitteefMa ch 21,2400 2 <br /> Mr.McCown and Mr.Fluery Mated that they are requesting of the Finance Committee money <br /> to replace the units so that they do not incur any legal action against the School over the <br /> quality of the air. <br /> There was discussion as to whether they would get their legal fees back if they filed a suit. <br /> Mr.McGown noted the letter dated March 15,2000,from the lav offices of Iougeau,Butler <br /> and Largay wherein it is noted that the SchoolCommittee's legal fees would probably not be <br /> recoverable. Mr.Mc gown also noted a fax received from the same slated March 15,2000, in <br /> which it is explained why the legal fees would not be recoverable. The following was noted: <br /> '-"Massachusetts follows the so-called American rule ars legal fees. This means <br /> that ordinarily each pay Bears its own legal fees,whether it wins or loses. The. <br /> exception is There a statute specifically authorizes a court t award legal fees to <br /> prerlling party(for example,to a prevaili <br />