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Mashpee Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> Tuesday,April 11,2000 <br /> Present: Chairman Dean Arden <br /> Jeff Arnold,Nancy Goulart,James Morgan <br /> Absent: Steve Cashman, Sidney Golub,Chuck Sheehan <br /> Also Mr. Wayne Duchein,Coordinator,Economic Development <br /> Present: <br /> Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Dean Arden at 6:50 p.m. at the Mashpee Town lull, <br /> Meeting Room 41,on Tuesday,April 11,2000. <br /> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br /> Mr. Wayne Duehe in,Economic Develoment Coordinator,was present to discuss the <br /> Expense budget of the Economic Development and whether the Finance Committee would <br /> consider increasing their Expense recommendation, Chairman Arden noted that the Finauee <br /> Committee level funded the Expense budget of Economic Development. <br /> Mr.Duchemin discussed the Mashpee Virtual Four. He noted that it was in the planning <br /> stages last year. He added that they didn't put a lot of money into it last year--they had the <br /> project on hold because they didn't have the finances to do it. <br /> Mr.Duchernin stated that the Mashpee Virtual Tour is a production of Mashpee—it includes <br /> the visitation of Mashpee a in a positive light and includes all the beaches along with business <br /> opportunities. It was done in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce,where they are <br /> actually putting in some funding to develop 1t. It is a marketing eting tool they are using to try and <br /> properly market this town and get the kinds of businesses that they have been trying to <br /> establish for the last five years—such as technology and science based businesses. <br /> Mr. Duch min said that once they finish the product,which should be any day,they will <br /> begin advertising. He commented that it is a marketing component that the Cape Cad <br /> Chamber of Commerce will be using, Mr.I uchemi n noted that no one on the Cape has ever <br /> done-this. <br /> Mr.Du hemin informed the finance Committee that they will incur significant dollars <br /> mailing this out to the target companies. They are going to mail this out to technology type <br /> companies all over New England in expansion or relocation modes. <br /> Mrs. Goulart noted that Economic Development had$11,000 in their current expense budget. <br /> She questioned Mr.Duchernin what they spent the$11,000 on. <br /> Mr. t ueh min stated that last year,they spent it on the virtual tour,telephone calls,and <br /> mailings. He stated that they have about$3,500 left in the account and that money will go for <br /> the tour's production of the Guide to Business. He noted that they slid not have enough <br /> money to do this the last two years. He added that what they are trying to do now is combine <br /> the two and mail them out together—the Mashpee Virtual Tour and the Guide to Business; <br /> thereby, using the Mmhpee Virtual Tour CD and the Guide Business as a combined <br />