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04/11/2000 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
04/11/2000 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Finance Committee/April 11,2000 <br /> marketing tool. Mr.Duchemin added that it will cost about$2,500 for the printing of the <br /> production;and,with the mailing,they will not have any money left. <br /> Mgrs. Goulart questioned Mr.Duchemin if the Selectmen go along with the businesses he is <br /> targeting. Mr.Duchemin stated that the Selectmen's Office has indeed been involved since <br /> the beginning in this whole process and in determining how they are going to market this <br /> whole approach to Mashpee. <br /> Chairman Arden questioned Mr. Duchemin about the web site. Mr. Duchemin stated that <br /> they have not done any more work on the web site since it was turned over to Steve Buss, <br /> Data Processing. He noted that with the production of the virtual'four,they are going to <br /> wait to update the web site. That is another expense that will have to be incurred. <br /> Mrs.Goulart questioned Mr.Duchemin on the issue of the transition of the Economic <br /> Development. Mr.Duchemin stated that they are still heading in that direction. He noted <br /> that he submitted the legislation last July and the State of Massachusetts has been sitting on it <br /> since last summer. He noted that this would allow therm to get funds from other areas rather <br /> than generating funding from the town exclusively. He commented that the stags of the <br /> legislation right now is that it is in the House ways and Means. Mr. Duchemin stated that <br /> what this piece of legislature would accomplish is that the EDI (Economic Development and <br /> Industrial Council)will be established as a non-profit company that will be in a position to <br /> bring in funds from various government sources as well as private industry and is also in <br /> position to borrow money to develop products. <br /> Mr. Duchemin gave an example of where they would need to borrow money. He noted that <br /> one project they are working on in the industrial Park. The Industrial Park has given them <br /> three acres of land to begin their incubator project. what they want to do with the money <br /> requested in this budget is to bring on a Development Consultant that will help bring in <br /> money and get this project together. <br /> Mrs.Goulart questioned how they are going to pay back the money if they are allowed to tape <br /> out loans. Mr.Duchemin stated that they can generate money—such as if they get into the <br /> incubator project,then the monthly rent that is generated can Delp pay off the loan. <br /> Mr. Duchemin commented that if they Bio not get their Expense funding,they would not be <br /> able to go forward with the CD and the project development they are already involved in. <br /> Chairman Arden commented on the money left in his budget at this time(year paid-to-date). <br /> Mr.Duchemin stated that most of his expenses are in the spring because he spends more time <br /> on the projects in the spring. He said he teaches during the day and once he hits the April <br /> vacation and gets into,lune and summer begins,he can spend more time on the program. <br /> Mr. Duchemin,upon questioning by Chairman,Arden,stated that Sound Productions in <br /> Mashpee is working on their Mashpee Virtual Tour. At this time,they are working on the <br /> Narrative. He added that once the.Nrrtie is finished,everything is done. <br /> Mr.Duchemin noted that the last billing for this fiscal year for the Virtual'dour will go to the <br /> Chamber-of Commerce and they will take care of that bill. <br /> Mr.Duchemin commented that if the web page is not done by Steve Buss,Data Processing, <br /> they will pay someone to complete it. <br />
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