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r ' <br /> MASHPEE DANCE COMMI <br /> MET S <br /> TUESDAY, JUNE 279 2000 <br /> Present: Chainn=Dean Arden <br /> .Ie `Arnold, Steve Cashman,James Morgwi,p anne Gibbs,Carlton Meredith <br /> Absent: Sidney Golub <br /> Also Present: Joyce Mason, Selectmen's wee <br /> CALL To ORDER: <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Arden at 6:35 p.m.,at the Mashpee Town Hall, <br /> Selectmen's Conference Room,on Tuesay,.dune 27,2000. <br /> SELECTMEN'S oM FOR TRANSFER: <br /> Joyce Mason, Sclect nen"s mice,was present at the meeting to request a transfer from the Reserve Fund to the <br /> Town Hall Expense Account in the amount of$14,004. This sbhortfWl was due to the fad that they had level <br /> funded this account at a time that they had been experiencing-eased deed for postage,telephonelintemet <br /> lines,and advertising of public hearings for various boards ani eonunittees,along with the increase M position <br /> vacancies. lis.meson said they mot really judge the advertising mount and the Board of Selden had <br /> requested addition advertising going to 3 4 newspapers. 'These expenses are under the Town Hall Expense <br /> account which is under the Slewnen's budget., Gas and Electric have gone up,they are getting a credit bad <br /> for numicipal buildings but it does not go irw their account,it goes into the General Account. 'gash pickup has <br /> gone up 1001%from what was budge d- The telephone account has int d bemuse of int et phone lines in <br /> several departments. 'Telephone bills are nutning$3400 month and they only budgeted$2404 and explained the <br /> change from Centrex which was costing more than they expected. They have now signed on with the State <br /> depatrtnacnt system and it wi l be a subsw tiW savings for each departmcnt. <br /> Motion to'Transfer Money from Reserve Fund: <br /> lr.Morgan made motion to approve the request as presented to transfer$14,000 from the Reserve bund to the <br /> Town Hall Expense mount. Motion seconded by his. Gibbs. <br /> Vote: Unanimous. 6-0 <br /> REQUEST FOR TRANSFER ROM R S R'E FUND To GROUP INA 01JN <br /> Request from Anne Shaw,Tr asurerfrax Collector,to transfer from the Reserve Pund to the Group Insurance <br /> Account the aYnount of$196.52 to offset deficit in the School Department. <br /> W Amold made motion to approve the request to ftansfer,$196.52 from the Reserve Fund to the Group <br /> Iffimnce Acoaunt. Notion seconded by Mr.l ith. <br /> vote: Unanimous 6 <br /> ilk T FOR TRA SFXR MOM RE%ERVE FUND TO IN'T'EREST ON R I S A COUNT* <br /> Request from Anne Shaw,Treasurer Tax Collector,to transfer from the Reserve Fund to the hAem t on <br /> Refunds Account,the amount of$99.78 to offset deficit. This is interest at 81/o that roust be paid on abatements <br /> per 1 .G.L. <br /> Ir, Cashman made motion to move the request to mer from the Reserve Fund to the Interest on Refunds <br /> mint the an unt of$99,78. Mofion seconded by Mr. Arnold. <br /> Vote: Unanimous 6 <br />