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Finance Committee mutes <br /> June 279 2000 <br /> Page Two. <br /> LIAISON ASSIgN ENTS,,: <br /> The following liaison ass gments were suggested by C Arden: <br /> Police Department#Carlton Meredith <br /> Fire Department--Jeff'Arnold <br /> DPW—Steve Cashman <br /> Selden and Town Hall--Maryanne Gibbs <br /> Rubbisk oard of Health—James Morgan <br /> School Department—Dean Arden <br /> These departments total about 213 of the budget,together with debt service and benefits they account for 900%. <br /> Chairnm Arden suggested that they complete analyses and rmommendation for these departments as soon as <br /> possible after budgets become available in January,hopefully by the end of Febraary and worry about the rest <br /> of the ftartmmts afterwards. According to the Town Administrator contract negotiations will begin in <br /> January. Carlton,Jeff,Maryanne and Sure should monitor negotiations for their departments,Jim will monitor <br /> negotiations with Assistant NtauWrswid Dean will monitor negotiations with Depaft=t lanagrs. <br /> aL.&COMMITTEE o REVIEW P CESS: <br /> Mr.Morgan proposed establishing a sub-committee to resew the current budget process. He said the <br /> Cottee usually winds up coming in on the latter third of process of budget. Basically the first part is the <br /> planning part starting this time of year. In general.most of the dcpartmnts start m Aug .st and will make <br /> budget submissions,then it goes to Town Administrator's desk and assembled at that pointy and tabes them into. <br /> December before they start seeing plrndmur figures. In February they see a more finished budget,then go <br /> down list of who they are responsible for and approach them with any questions and bring back to Finance <br /> Cottee and the Committee determines any questions they have and bring.the department head into a <br /> meeting and then they are into mid March time frame and"against the wall" to plan for May"Down Meeting. It <br /> is a difficult process to administer to and does not give there an opportunity to lead the way. He is proposing <br /> this year to establish some ld.nd of-plan process that takes there into near tenor and far term and bring to <br /> Selectmen the size of the budget they propose for 2001,not broken into departments, rid give to selectmen to <br /> work on so that when departments come in they will be given a target number for their budget~ Discussion <br /> followed r pr ung a five year plan and ung hu QiA monies to recce tax rate or propose a one-time project <br /> such as a south side Fire station,new hibrary or bigger Se or Center. � <br /> Mr.Morgan made motion to establish a sub-committee to rad' w gent budget process and reprt any <br /> recomrnendations to full Board- <br /> Mr. Arnold seconded. <br /> Vow: Unanimous 6.0 <br /> Mr.Morgan armed to open floor for nominations to serve on sub-committee: <br /> Dean Arden no a Gibbs <br /> Carlton Meredith noted Janes Horgan <br /> N[Airyanne Gibbs nomiwted Steve Cashman, <br /> Mr.Arnold made motion to close nominations. <br /> W Meath seconded.. <br /> Vote: Unanimous 6 —to accept nom n tions and to appoint the sub-c mmitt . <br />