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rt+, <br /> w <br /> XASHPEE FINANCECol IM= <br /> MINUTES <br /> TUESDAY,AUGUST 29,2000 <br /> Present: Chairman Dean Arden <br /> Jeff Arnold, Steve Cashman,James Morgan,Carlton Meredith <br /> Absent: Maryanne Gibbs, Sidney Golub <br /> Also Present: Bob vhritenour <br /> CALL To ORDER: <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Arden at 6:30 p.m.,at the Mashpee Town Han, <br /> Meeting Room#1,on Tuesday,August 29,2000. <br /> DISCUSSION REGARDING WARRANT: <br /> Chaim=Arden said what they do tonight will be published in the warrant that goes out to the people and will <br /> also be available atTown Meeting. Bob whritenour said the Town by-laws give the time frame for the warrant. <br /> It states the warrant should be in the hands of the people by the third Monday of the month prior to Town <br /> Meeting,which would be September Ie. <br /> DISCUSSION REGARDING ARTICLES: <br /> Article :-Disapproved <br /> Article 5 is to tri nsfer$9,500 to The Assessors' Salary/Wage account. Dean said he asked Bob Whritenour to <br /> attend the meeting to review the articles they had questions on. He asked that Article 5 not be put in the <br /> newspaper until they had a chance to discuss it further. This is the year of full value assessment and any help <br /> the Assessors can get they neeA Bob Whrite .our said this position was created and funded under Mmhpee <br /> Water District and also the Treasurer Collector Department. They tried filling the position parttime and found <br /> they could not continue part-time. The person in the position was ready to retire and rather than lay the person <br /> off they made do until the person retired as of July 1. The position is now vacant and the Assessors feel they <br /> need a full-tine person in that position. They put the article in October instead of May because they have the <br /> vacancy right now and fang have been provided by the water Distract and they have the work to justify the <br /> full-tine position. They have only budgeted for a part-time person and now would like to change to fullti <br />