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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> August 29,2000 <br /> Page Two. <br /> Article :-Held <br /> This article is to transfer$109,760 to the Fire&Rescue alarylw ge Amount. Dean read jusffication from <br /> Chief Baker,which was pretty much repetitious of what is in the article except he had graphs depicting three- <br /> year tread. Dean passed the graph around and also a diagram describing overlapping els. Discussion <br /> followed regarding inviting the Fire Chief in to discuss the figures on this article and to answer qucstions. The <br /> Committee questioned if the article should be in May or October;also questioned whether or not he can last <br /> until May. is this a need or a projected need? <br /> Dean said they have the option to render a decision at gown Meeting This is one of 2 articles that prompted <br /> there to suggest a$200,0411 reserve fund rather than$100,000. He mentioned the increase in the Reserve Fund <br /> to Bob whritenour and he suggested just asking for$204,000 in the next budget. 5 <br /> Carlton Meredith made motion to retain on hold until Town Meeting. <br /> Jeff Arnold seconded <br /> Voted--4-1--Arden,Meredith,Arnold Morgan—approved <br /> Cashman—abstain <br /> Article : -Voted not to support <br /> This article is to transfer$3,000 to the Harbormaster Salary/Wage Account.Bob whritenour explained the issue <br /> is they are having a tremendous problem enforcing the herring regulations. The herring warden is set up to do <br /> some things but what he is not set up to do is the enforcement especially in off hours. This is a small amount of <br /> money to take out of the Harbormaster budget and put uniformed personnel at the herri <br />