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r <br /> i <br /> MAS PEE FTNA-NCE COMMITT E <br /> NHNUTES <br /> TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 14,2000 <br /> Present: Chairman Dean Arden <br /> Jcff Arnold, Steve Cashman,Maryanne Gibbs, Carlton Meredith,James Morgan. <br /> CALL TO ORDER: <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Arden at 6;30 p.m.,at the Mashpee'Town IM,Meeting <br /> Room#L on Tuesday,November 1 ,2000. <br /> SID GOLUB RESIGNATION: <br /> Dean infornned Board members that Sid Golub had resigned. He will be a resident of Florida. The Selectmen <br /> accepted his resignation last night at its meeting. The Selectmen's Office will advertise the position so it will <br /> not be filled until it is advertised for a suitable length of time. Sid's seat is up in May and the new person will <br /> have to run again. Dean said he would like to fill the position by January, <br /> FOR YOUR INFORMATION; <br /> Dean informed the Board that the school d partrn nt had filled all vacancies except Guidance Director. <br /> He also informed the Board that he attended a local MMA meeting in Wareham. At the meeting they discussed <br /> the school aid formula. He asked for a copy and received it,if anyone is interested. <br /> He has union agreements for school unions,if anyone is interested. Also,he asked for a copy of the October <br /> report that goes to the State. It is extremely inforrnative. <br /> Dean said he had computation on tax situation. The Assessor's ice is still not through getting exact <br /> numbers. Assessment on existing properties will go up 10%. 'Tax bills would go up about 2%because of 10% <br /> boost in assessment. The'Town will increase assessments gradually to 3 years then will be locked into complete <br /> assessment of To . <br /> INCREASE IN RESERVE FUND: <br /> The Board discussed the need for an increase in the Reserve Fund Emergency reqLurements that cone up at the <br /> fall meeting are getting bigger. <br /> Carlton Meredith made motion to nest ars increase in the annual Reserve Fund up to$200,000. <br /> ,lien Morgan seconded, <br /> Voted: 5—1 -Arden,Arnold,Cashman,Meredith,Morgan-Approved <br /> Gibbs-Opposed <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE BUDGET: <br /> The Board discussed an increase in the Finance Committee budget. There is not enough money in the budget <br /> for Ming of the May meeting warrants. They have spent$3,647 so far out of a$6,000 budget,almost entirely <br /> used for printing of warrants. They have$2,352 left in budget. Jinn Morgan suggested a$4,000 increase. <br /> Jing Morgan explained the bulk madg account at the Post mice. 'Where is about$600 in the account and it <br /> does not belong to any ent within the Town as far as he could find out. The Finance Con=ittee could <br /> take over that account or establish a new account at the post office and caU it the Finance Committee account. <br /> He suggested Ieavm' the bulk mail account and budget for it. <br /> Discussion followed re rding attending the NEAA.Annual meeting being held January 12& 13 in Boston, <br /> Dean said Board members who attend would be reimbursed for the hotel expense. Maryanne Gibbs,Jeff' <br />