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� w <br /> ASHPEE FINANCE COMMTTEE <br /> NUNTE <br /> TUESDAYS FEBRUARY 279 2001 <br /> 4 <br /> Present; Chairman Dean Arden <br /> Jeff Arnold,Fred Blythe,Maryanne Gibbs, Canton Meredith,James Morgan <br /> Absent: Steve Cashman <br /> Also Present: Maurice Cooper, Chief of Police <br /> Albert Todino.Police Department <br /> Diane Romrnelmeyer,Town Accountant <br /> CALL TO ORDER: <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Arden at :00 p.m.,at the Mashpee Town Hall,Meeting <br /> Room#2,on Tuesday,February 27,2001, <br /> DISCUSSION OF POLICE BUDGET: <br /> Carlton Meredith reminded Board members they had discussed the Police budget last week and it was tabled <br /> with the understanding he would ask the Chief to come in to answer questions. The narrative did justify the <br /> first question about the grants and he apolod for not bringing it to the Board's attention. The second <br /> concern was the two new patrolmen positions. They were all supportive of the reorganization but.the two <br /> patrolmen positions needed Justification. Thirdly,the gess uniforms issue as a value to the town and clarifying <br /> the question o $1.42 for fuel if it included the state tax. Also,line item 216,which deals with personal <br /> eqwpment,needed clarification and the Chief was present to respond to any questions the Board may have. <br /> Dean Arden explained why therc was a question regarding the grant money. They did not know if the whole <br /> expense was supported by the get or only part of the expenw and would be interested to know what salary <br /> would be without grant? <br /> The Chief said broken down the cost for 2 Patrolmen positions,under the grant,base salary along with other <br /> contractual stipends would each total$8,277.83. The Federal government lays 75%;and follows that person up <br /> to a maximum of$250,000. A Step 1 Patrolman without grant,is$31,501.50,which includes base pay and <br /> holiday pay. <br /> The Chief explained that some grants have to have a percentage match. Traffic law cnforcement is a matching <br /> ant. The Domestic Violence,Community Policing and DARE Program grants,need no match,thcy are <br /> straight across the board. Chief Cooper said the other question concerning 2 new patrolmen positions,under <br /> the Cops Program has to do with Comprehensive Plan. Discussion followed regarding the Comprehensive Plan <br /> recommending 32 dispatchable police officers by 2003. <br /> Chief Cooper explained that at the present time they have breakdown of 32 police officers chiding Chief and <br /> Deputy and with rcorganizatin will have a total of 34. Dispatchable officers presently are at 19 and breaks <br /> clown to 6 police officers assigned to midnight shift,7 to evening shy and 6 to day shift. It works out between <br /> and 5 officers assigned to shift on any given day without any sick time,etc. DispatchabIc officers will be <br /> raised to 2 ,with 5 sergeants, 5 detectives,2 lieutenants,Deputy and Chief for a total of 34. With the <br /> advancement of the two hcutenants there will be no replac m nt for those positions. The two police officers <br /> being requested on the grant with reorganization will have one going to patrol and one to operations so bath will <br /> be in operations. Discussion regarding ho v men are used within ent and how determined to be <br /> i patchablc officers. <br /> Chief Cooper explained he is trying not to have a Sergeant on with a Patrolman and usc a Scrgeant as a <br /> supervisor and explained what jobs are. He explained overtime stating he does not believe in overtime situation <br /> just for shift coverage. Fred Blythe asked the Chief to explain if he hires the two popic through the grant <br /> situa ion hoar it would benefit the budget. The Chief a plained dist both would go into operations,then he can <br />