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MAS _EE FINANCE COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> TUESDAY,MARCH 2 ,2001 <br /> .Present: Chainilmi Dean Arden <br /> Jeff'Arnold,Fred Blythe,Carlton Meredith <br /> Absent: Stere Cashnian, riarymuie Gibbs,James Morgmi <br /> Also Present: Greg Taylor,Director.DPW <br /> CALL To ORDER: <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Arden at -00 p.m.,at the Mashpee Town.fall,Meeting <br /> Room#3,on Tuesday, arch 20,200 1, , <br /> DISCUSSION OF DISPATCHER POSI'T'ION IN THE POLICE BUDGET: <br /> Chainnan Arden infornrned the Board members that the Dispatcher position in the Police budget is not a new <br /> position,it is an ting position that was not funded. Therefore,there is no need to create an article for Town <br /> Meeting, <br /> DISCUSSION OF THE SCHOOL BUDGET; <br /> The Board members discussed putting a sum of money into the Reserve Fund earnnarked for enemy,-vvhicli was <br /> discussed at the Joint Meeting with the Board of Selectmen. The amount mentioned at the Joint Meeting was <br /> $97,000 and that amount NNUI be removed from the budget and placed in the Reserve Fund in the Finance <br /> ommitta budget. Also,discussed was taking the SPED fanding out of the School budget and-putting it into a <br /> separate line item. Doth amounts would be reduced from the School budget of$15.33. <br /> DISCUSSION OF DPW CID BUDGET R VEST: <br /> reg Taylor,Director DPW,was present at the niecting to discuss his CIP budget request with the Finance <br /> Committee. <br /> He is requesting the following 6 iteins for a total of$203,900; <br /> 1. Third year payment on replacement of`92 grader at$25,000. <br /> 2.. Second year payrncnt on loader at$5,900. <br /> 3. The one-ton dump truck at$50,000. Mr.Taylor explained that it is not replacing the'94 because someone <br /> crashed into the truck and the in urmice company gave them money to repair it. They will be keeping it as a <br /> work truck for the next seven years. It will be used for two new employees and it is primarily used in the winter <br /> for sanding which boils down to$7,000 per year or$3,500 per employee per year, <br /> 4. Replacement of two 4wd pickups(bar 2002 will be eight years old). These true usually run about$35,000 <br /> per truck (h snowplows, at$66,000. <br /> 5. A 4 d truck that is replacing the°91,at$32,000. Mr.Taylor said they are looking to move the '95 true as <br /> the vchicle for the person who has the pTimary responsibilities of the transfer station. <br /> . Replace DPW roof at$25,000. The roof is lealdng and need's repairing. Also,the gage leaks and the <br /> Shellfish and Harbonnaster building leaks. <br /> Mr.'Taylor discussed the need.for a tractor and mower. He does not know what they are going to do for <br /> equipment when the cemetery comes on. He also discussed the EPA Storm Water 2 requirements that all <br /> e uipmen.t be under cover. That is soruediing that will need to be done in the near future. There is a lot of <br />