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7 <br /> i <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> August 28,2001 <br /> Page Two. <br /> ARTICLE FOR FINANCIAL SOF FWARE PROGRAM: <br /> Selectman Laveil le came into the meeting at 6:50 p.m. with the Treasurer/Collector,Town Accountant, <br /> Assessor and Superintendent of Schools to discuss an article for Town Meeting regarding fimancial software for <br /> the Town with a cost of approximately$400,000. The Tax Collector cannot send out tau bills because of the <br /> failed system. The Finance Committee asked if can wait until May because it is a lot of money for the October <br /> Town Meeting. The Town Accountant explained it would have to come out of free cash this year.Discussion <br /> followed regarding how old is the system and why reed new system. Steve Buss said all departments will be <br /> able to share the data costing about$19,000 per year to maintain. Committee members also discussed that they <br /> support the program but have issue with not having the opportunity to discuss within a Finance Committee <br /> meeting with members of the Finance Cottee. <br /> Fred Blythe made motion to approve an article for$400,000 for the purchase of a municipal software program <br /> for the Town,seconded by Carlton Meredith. <br /> Voted -1 <br /> Arnold, Arden,Blythe,Lynch,Meredith—approved <br /> Morgan—dl sap prove <br /> REVEEW of TOWN MEETING ARTICLES: <br /> The Finance Committee voted on the following articles: <br /> Article 3. To raise and appropriate$5,500 to the Accountant's Expense Account. <br /> Carlton Meredith made motion to approve seconded by Jim Morgan <br /> Voted—6-0 Unanimous <br /> Article 6. {To raise and appropriate$1.90,000 for the cost of arcWtectural.and engm' eenng services for <br /> pians and specifications for the construction or expansion of the Mashpee Scor Centcr. <br /> Discussion followed regarding this article should be on the May Town Meeting Warrant. The Conunittee <br /> members discussed where the money would erne from...the$190,000 is only for engineering services. The <br /> whole building would cost approximately$1.8 million. The money-should be voted on in May for the budget <br /> for the ensuing fiscal year,advertised as such and voted on as such, <br /> Carlton Meredith made notion to disapprove the article based on the principal that it is inappropriate for the <br /> October Town Meeting and not an emergency,Dears Arden seconded_ <br /> Voted 4- <br /> Arnold, Arden Meredith,Morgan approve <br /> l Xythe,Lynch—disapprove <br /> Article 9. To raise and to$13,015 to the Landfill.Closure Capital Account. <br /> Carlton Meredith made motion to approve,seconded by Jim Dorgan. <br /> Voted—6 Unanimous <br /> Article l0. To mise and appropriate$l1,3 5 to the l ernng warden expense Account. <br />