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F <br /> } Finance Committee Minutes <br /> September 11,2001 <br /> Page Two. <br /> The Cottee is not opposed to the Senior Center but at the May meeting they asked voters t <br /> approve a budget for the next fiscal year. Their fiscal responsibility is to try to follow that spending <br /> plan unless an emergency. <br /> Mr. Sapers said It would actually tale 2-3 years before the Senior Center could be built if they <br /> followed that plan. There are 5-10 new members coming into the Senior Center per day. Discussion <br /> followed whether or not it was a necessity. <br /> Further discussion followed whether or not high money items can only be placed on the warrant in <br /> May and in October only if an emergency. The article placed on the warrant for new software was felt <br /> to be an emergency situation. <br /> Also,it was pointed out that Article 7 appoints a Senior Center Study Committee in order to plan and <br /> make recommendations for the proposed Senior Center and asked if the cart is before the horse in this <br /> situation. <br /> Jim Morgan made motion to suspend discussion on this topic and would like to get direction from <br /> Town Counsel whether or not it is an administrative policy of the Town or if it is so stated in the <br /> Charter of the Town that allocates the May meeting is the annual meeting for budget items and the <br /> October meeting for emergency item,seconded by Kathy Lynch. <br /> Voted Unanimous 6-0 <br /> Vice-Chair Mcrcdith said the Committee is at an impasse and will maintain its position until get more <br /> guidance_ <br /> Article 10: Funding for Herring Run fencing <br /> Discussion followed regarding it was not an emcrgency and not necessary at this time. The Committee <br /> members agreed to maintain their position on Article 10. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> 1. Deirdre Greelish asked if there is any amounting of band Bank funds,do we know how much is being <br /> spent now. She would like to have a copy if available. <br /> . Jinn Morgan said he attended a meeting with Greenwood property owners who abut the cemetery. <br /> They assured the abutters that the fence and the green area would be put in. <br /> FUTURE MEETINGS OF FIANCE CoADUTTE : <br /> t The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be held on Tuesday, September 25,2001,at 7:00 p.m., <br /> Meeting Room ,Mashpee Town Ball. <br /> There will be a meeting before'Town Meeting on Monday,October 11, 2001,at 7:15 p.m., at the Quashnet <br /> School. <br /> ADJOURNMENT: <br /> Motion made and second to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p,m, <br /> Aespectfultv mi <br /> )an C.Leom runo <br /> Board Si cretary <br />