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7/16/2002 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
7/16/2002 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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IL ' <br /> S <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> July 1 ,2001 <br /> Purge Three. <br /> . Reserve Fund Report. <br /> Kathy Lynch said she would like a report of what is left ire the Deserve Fund as a part of the agenda each month <br /> and Board members agreed that would be a good idea. <br /> OTRER B SIN SS: <br /> Cemetery Committee <br /> Chairman Meredith brought to the board's attention that Jim Morgan has been appointed to the Cemetery <br /> Com1�it'te'e and the Town by-laws state that you cannot be a member of another committee, elected or <br /> appointed, if a member of the Finance Committee. He suggested that Jim make a choice to either resign from <br /> the Finance Committee or the Cemetery Committee. <br /> Jim Morgan said he gage a lot of thought and felt very strongly about the Cemetery Committee, There is a <br /> budget process beim developed by DPW and just that fact alone here is a conflict because somewhere down <br /> the road him,will have to mare a decision. Then he thought about Dean Arden's situation and Dean went to <br /> Town Counsel and Town Counsl made a call that it was not a conflict. But to keep things pure he decided to <br /> resign from Cemetery Commission and will step back from dual assignment and will prepare a letter and submit <br /> his resignation from the Cemetery Committee. <br /> Jeff Arnold said that Town Counsel looked at Dean's situation as a conflict of interest on M.G.L. and saw no <br /> conflict to be financially beneficial to Dean Arden. The by-laws are absolutely clear, cannot be appointed and <br /> elected. <br /> Jeff Arnold made motion in view of situation with Jim Morgan, the Finance Committee will go on record and <br /> ask Dean Arden to choose Finance Committee or Charter Commission.sion. Both are elected positions and choose <br /> one and resign from the other. Also,notify the Board of Selectmen of its position and have Dean Arden make a <br /> decision, sided by Jim Morgan. <br /> Dean Arden said Town Counsel's decision was based-on state law which supercede town by-laws. It is based <br /> on the fact that there are two possible eyed positions that are not Town offices. If on Charter Commission can <br /> stiff be on Finance Committee or if Town government can stiff be on Finance Committee. The law says these <br /> two elected positions are not Town offices. It does not say that the Town has a aright to.infringe on state laws. <br /> Discussion followed whether the Charter Coaission would come before Finance Cottee and ask for <br /> money. The Charter Commission received$5,000 from'Down,it is Town money and given at'Down Meeting. <br /> Fred Blythe said Cemetery Committee has no authority to spend any money so he cannot see how it becomes a <br /> conflict of Merest. Its role is to interpret the roles and regulations of the cemetery. The by-laws are poorly <br /> written,and he felt it is not a conflict of interest with Juin Morgan or with Dean.Arden. Jim Morgan felt to keep <br /> pure it has to be one way or the other. Members reviewed the motion. <br /> Bred Blythe said the Committee couldn't make that motion, as they would be going against Town Counsel <br /> j ruling. If they want to make motion for Town Counsel to look at agai <br />
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