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Mashpee Finance Committee]1 linurtcs <br /> October-1 ,Zoo <br /> Mashpee High School(conference room) <br /> Meeting caned to order at: Chairman Avis called the meeting of the Finance <br /> Committee to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Mashpee High School <br /> Present: Chris Avis, Chairman; Chock G sior, Vice Chairman; Kenneth I Patrick; <br /> Bob Hutchinson; Sandra Lindsey; Wiffiam Johnson <br /> Absent: Bob Larocca <br /> Others: Joyce Ikon, Town Manager; Rene' Read, Assistant Town Manager; Brian <br /> Kehrl, Reporter—Mashpee Enterprise; Captain Kevin Long, Mashpee Fire Department; <br /> Stephen Costello,Mashpee a Fire Department; Daniel Bohnenberger, Mashpee Fire <br /> Department; Jeremy Carter,Town Moderator. <br /> There was discussion with regard to request for approval of additional health benefits to <br /> Fire and Police Department retiree employees which covers uninsured medical bills, <br /> specifically deductibles and co-payments. <br /> Joyce Mason noted that originally the policies held had a Two Hundred ($200.00) <br /> deductible. The Town elected to go with a One Thousand $1,000.0deductible as it <br /> saved money. The risk of the possible One Thousand Dollar l,000.00 deductible was <br /> worth the possible savings. <br /> The policy benefits were discussed, and it was indicated that the policy would cover <br /> anyone who was injured on the job, permanently disabled, and unable to work. Chris <br /> Avis noted these benefits would still need to be funded. There was discussion about how <br /> the policy would come into effect once an individual's health care benefits had been <br /> exhausted. Kevin Long stated that, for example, if a fire or police department employee <br /> passed away and had some co-payments clue on his or her prescription medications, the <br /> policy would take care of these co-payments so that the expense would not be passed on <br /> to the next of kin. Lynda Carroll stated that she was unsure of the interpretation of the <br /> proposed benefit and did indicate that it was a lot of money to find the same. Kevin <br /> Long stated that the benefit does not pay the next of kin, or the spouse, but pays for the <br /> medical expense incurred by the retiree. <br /> Chuck Gasior mnquired as to whether any other Towns have this policy effect, and <br /> Joyce Mason indicated that the Towns of Yarmouth and Falmouth had adopted it. Bob <br /> Hutchinson, Joyce Mason and Kevin Long discussed the Fact that this policy would be <br /> exclusive to Fire and police Department employees. <br /> Bob Hutchinson discussed possibility of being creative to get a better policy, and not just <br /> pay for what he considers to be a redundancy. It was also noted that them would be other <br /> Town employees that would not have this added benefit. Bob Hutchinson expressed his <br /> 1 <br />