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discussed other issues considered in the substation project, such as response.time and <br /> staffing issues. <br /> lx. Avis expressed concern about the long-term costs ofoperating a substation, especially <br /> in consideration of the high concentration of summer population in the proposed site area. <br /> Deputy Chief Hamblin indicated statistics prove consistent year-round activity in that area. <br /> Avis asked if a cost benefit analysis had been done on the substation project. Chief <br /> Baker stated that one had not been done based on fire activity levels; but that the higher <br /> home values and loss amounts had been considered. <br /> Ir. Avis asked what the Benefit of a substation is to the tom if the main concern is high <br /> dollar loss. Chief Baker stated the substation would improve response times to the area.and <br /> thus prevent the spread of fires. <br /> Mr. Long asked whether the substation will b,e staffed 2 hers day. Chief Baker <br /> indicated they have considered graduated seasonal staffing, and are gradually adding staff <br /> now to mitigate costs. <br /> ® Mr. Avis expressed his thought that the current response tires seem adequate and do not <br /> warrant building a new station. He agreed the project should be a public policy decision. <br /> Mr. Patrick asked what presentation will be made to voters regarding the substation. Chief <br /> Baker stated he will he speaking on the floor at Town Meeting, and offered the Committee <br /> copies of the report he will distribute. . <br /> Chief Baler and Deputy Chief amblin assured the Committee that further questions can <br /> be addressed via email or phone. Department liaison Chris Avis to work with Deputy Chief <br /> Hamblin to resolve questions. <br /> Animal Control <br /> 1&. Avis asked why the budget lists repainting costs on a vehicle scheduled to be replaced. <br /> Chairman Umina noted the request had already been decried by Capital Improvement. <br /> a <br /> tment o Pub c Works <br /> Mr. Long asked whether Committee could meet with DPW to discuss budget issues, <br /> especially items listed within other department budgets. <br /> ■ Chairman Umina indicated some costs have been removed,, but he is still waiting on revised <br /> budgets from Town Manager. He agreed.a meeting could be set up with DPW. <br /> Avis suggested directing concerns through the Committee's department liaison. Mr. <br /> Tori a stated lie=gill invite DPW Department Head to next Gom ittee meeting. <br /> Mr. Dottridge noted that Committee will need to agree on each budget proposal for <br /> statement of recommendation, and that only the major dollar amounts in DPW budgets raise <br /> questions. t <br /> Mr. Avis stated town vehicle fuel costs are high and asked what method is used to supply <br /> fuel. Chairman Umina and Mr. Dottridge indicated town uses the same program as state to <br /> simplify tax payments. <br /> Mr. f ottridge noted the budget increases are sizeable. <br /> School artm <br /> Ms. Hunter stated the department's revisions are delayed and not fret available. <br /> Gen r Issues <br /> Mr. Long asked for clarification on the status of the hiring freeze. Chairman Umina <br /> indicated hiring is currently on a case-by-case basis upon approval by Selectmen. <br />