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Ms. Mason suggested her plan of creating a consolidated buildin s grounds-resource <br /> would offer significant cost Savings to town in situations such as this. Chief Collins agreed <br /> the savings would a substantial. Ms. Cook noted the benefits realized placingthe <br /> school's maintenance operations in house have been significant. <br /> Chief Collins stated he is in the process of 1den-tif <br /> ying ling e ial improvement <br /> r <br /> needs, pd-expressed his willingness and availability to answer an uestions the `inance <br /> Co'mm�t't e Jn r have regarding the budget. <br /> Ms. Mason confirmed her reconune dation includes some cuts to department budcret. <br /> School Committee <br /> . _:"..... <br /> Mg.-Cook d-the school bum included ite ride h � a------ �... <br /> impmtint mal improvementsthat sh r.&belud et funded if denied by Capital <br /> Improvement JComnitte. Chairman Umina noted the Capital Improvement Committee <br /> recommends approval of both the network infrastnicture upgrade and flooring replacement <br /> requests. <br /> ■ Mr. Patrick asked. t cture improvements. Ms. arolski <br /> confu-med aid is only available for new school constriction with newequi ment. <br /> p <br /> 1 . Cook emphasized the department's.dependence on grant-funded positions, especially <br /> within the Early Childhood area, which are uncertain until June or July. <br /> Ms. Cook noted the vocational Technical School funding is a separate itern, although <br /> included in the department budget. She acknowledged that the town has vel little control <br /> over the amount, which is based upon the dumber of Mashpee students enrolled at the <br /> school, <br /> Nr. Long asked why some school costs are included in torn budget. 'Ms. Mason confirmed <br /> that retirement and benefit costs do not come out of school budget. <br /> ■ Chairman Umina stated the Commiftee will consider these issues in its deliberations. Ms'. <br /> Cook offered the SchoolCommittee's assistance with any budget et ue tions. <br /> After these discussions, gires s,i om School and Police Departments left the meeting. ,Ms. <br /> Mason and Ms. Hunter remained to discuss budgetco r no'n. <br /> A ccountigg&partment <br /> Ir. Avis asked for clarification on the change in department's budget. lis. Mason <br /> confirmed that the Finance Director's salary was not previously included. <br /> Animal Control <br /> Mr. Avis asked why the overtime figure was so high. Ms. Mason replied that the <br /> department functions as a vacation backup to Sandwich, and vice-versa, with funds used to <br /> pay Sandwich for any vacation coverage counted as overtime. This arrangement began <br /> with the 161imination of the part-time position. <br /> BogEd JoHealth <br /> m Mr. Avis asked why the Board of Health has expenses for landfill maintenance along with <br /> the DPW. Ms. Mason confirmed that the Board has the respons*1bilitr of groundwater <br /> neon toning at the landfill. <br /> Council On Agzn <br /> Mr. Long asked if the C A still intended to add positions. Ms. Mason confirmed the hires <br /> were not included in her recommended budget. <br /> . Long asked about the town"s plans for the old Senor Center. Ms. Mason discussed the <br /> various possibilities for its use, noting she will present her reco,_r=e .datio do the <br /> Selectmen later this month. <br />